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others;u and make them burning and shining lights in thy golden candlesticks ;w that it may appear, that it was Christ who put them into the ministry.x

Give to them, who are ordained, to take heed to the ministry which they have received of the Lord, that they fulfil it ;y and make full proof of it by watching in all things.z

Let those, who in Christ's name are to preach repentance and remission of sins, be endued with power from on high.a

Give them another spirit, and make them good ministers of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and good doctrine.b

In times of Drought.

THOU hast said, when heaven is shut up that there is no rain, because we have sinned against thee; if we confess thy name, and turn from our sins, thou wilt hear from heaven, and forgive our sins, and give rain upon

our land.c

We ask of thee the former and latter rain, and depend upon thee for it;d for there are not any of 'the vanities of the heathen, that can give rain, nor can the heavens give show

u 2 Tim. ii 2. w John v. 35. x 1 Tim. i. 12. y Col iv. 17. z 2 Tim. iv. 5. a Luke xxiv. 47, 49. 1 Tim. iv. 6. c 1 Kings viii. 35. d Zech. x. 1.

ers; but we wait on thee, for thou hast made all these things.e

In times of Sickness.

TAKE sickness away from the midst of us, fand deliver us from the noisome pestilence.g

Appoint the destroying angel to put up his sword into his sheath, and to stay his hand.

Spiritual Troubles.

LET those who now remember God and are troubled, whose spirits are overwhelmed, and whose souls refuse to be comforted,i be enabled to trust in thy mercy, so that at length they may rejoice in thy salvation, and tho' thou slay them, yet to trust in thee.l

Oh, renew a right spirit within them. Cast them not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit from them; but restore unto them the joy of thy salvation, and uphold them with thy free Spirit; that their tongues may sing aloud of thy righteousness, and shew forth thy salvation.m

Oh, bring them up out of this horrible pit, and this miery clay; set their feet upon a

i Psal lxxvii. 2, 3.

e Jer. xiv. 22. fExod xxiii. 25. g Psal. xci. 3. b 2 Sam. xxiv. 16. Psal. xiii. 5. / Job xiii. 15, m Psal. li. 10, 11, 12, 14.



rock, establish their goings and put a new song in their mouth, even praise to our God.n

Oh, comfort them again now after the time that thou hast afflicted them: And though for a small moment thou hast forsaken them, and hid thy face from them; yet have mercy on them and comfort them with everlasting kindness.p

Oh, let thy Spirit witness with their spirit, that they are the children of God ;g and by the blood of Christ let them be purged from an evil conscience.r

Those that are asking the way to Zion,s with their faces thitherward, that are lamente ing after the Lord, and are pricked in the heart for sin ;u Oh, shew them the good and right way, and lead them in it.w

To those that are asking, what they shall do to inherit eternal life,x discover Christ as the way, the truth, and the life, the only true and living way.y

Oh, do not quench the smoking flax, nor break the bruised reed; but send forth judgment unto victory.z

n Psalm xl 2, 3. o Psal xc. 15. p Isa. liv. 7, 8,

q Rom. viii. 16. t 1 Sam. vii. 2.

* Matt. xix. 16.

u Acts ii. 37.

r Heb. x. 22.

y John xiv. 6.

s Jer. 1. 5. w 1 Sam. xii. 23. z Matt. xii. 20.

For the Sick.

LORD, thou hast appointed those that are sick to be prayed for, and prayed with, and hast promised, that the prayer of faith shall save the sick: Lord, help us to pray in faith. for the sick as being ourselves in the body.*

When our Lord Jesus was upon earth, we find they brought to him all sick people, that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and he healed all manner of sickness and all manner of diseases among the people; and he hath still the same compassion and power over bodily diseases that he ever had a he saith to them, go, and they go: come, and they come and when he speaks the word the sick are healed.b

He is still touched with the feelings of our infirmities;c in the belief of this, we do by prayer bring our friends that are sick, and lay them before him.d

Lord, grant that the sick may neither despise the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when they are rebuked of him :e but that they may hear the rod, and him that hath appointed it, and may kiss the rod, f and accept the punishment of their iniquities.g

a Matt. iv. 23, 24.

c Heb. iv. 15. d Luke v. 18.

* James v. 14, 15.

Mich. vi. 9. & Lev. xxvi. 41.

b Matt. viii. 8, 9

Heb. xii. 5.

Give them to see, that affliction cometh not forth out of the dust, mor springs out of the ground;h that they may therefore seek unto God to the Lord more than to the physician, because unto the Lord our God belong the issues of life and death.k

Lord, shew them wherefore thou contendest with them, and give them in their affliction to humble themselves greatly before the God of their fathers,m and to repent and turn from every evil way. O Lord, rebuke them not in thy anger, neither chasten them in thy hot displeasure; have mercy upon them, O Lord, for they are weak: Lord, heal them, for they have need of healing. Return, O Lord, and deliver their souls: save them for thy mercy's sake.n And lay no more upon them than thou wilt enable them to bear; enable them to bear what thou dost lay upon them.o

Oh, spare a little, that they may recover strength, before they go hence, and be no more.p

Let the eternal God be their refuge, and underneath them be the everlasting arms.q Consider their frame, remember they are but dust.r

b Job v. 6, 8.

i 2 Chron. xvi. 12.

Psal. Ixviii. 20. I Job x. 2. m2 Chron. xxxiii. 12.

n Psal. vi 1, 2, 3, 4,

p Psal. xxxix. 13.

r Psal. ciii. 14.

o 1 Cor. x. 13.

q Deut. xxxiii. 27.

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