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condemned we plead. Enter not into judgment with thy servants, O Lord, for in thy sight no flesh living can be justified. We plead the merit of thy Son, and through him entreat thee to pardon all our offences. Tho our sins have grown up to the heavens and our trespasses have reached the clouds, they are not too great for thee to pardon. Give us to see our lost and ruined state; convince us of sin, righteousness and judgment, and may thy Spirit operate on our hearts in his all-powerful influences to renew us to holiness, and enable us to receive Jesus Christ as he is offered in the gospel. Bring us out of darkness into marvellous light, and transform us into thine own image. Subdue within us every thing that exalteth itself against God-take away our evil propensities and inclinations, and let not sin have dominion over us. May we bow to the sceptre of Jesus and be willing that he should rule in and over us. Enable us to crucify the flesh with its affections and lusts and no longer live to ourselves. May we take thy word for our rule, shun the sins it prohibits and practise the duties which it enjoins, and in all respects be conformed to thine image and law.


And now, O thou compassionate Father of the universe, we desire to feel more entirely our dependance on thee, and to offer thee that praise which will glorify thy name. call on our souls and all within us to praise thee that we were born in a Christian land, and that we enjoy Christian privileges.


We thank thee that we are endowed with rational souls and are capable of knowing our Lord's will; and for the glorious salvation which the gospel opens to our view, and offers to our acceptance. We bless thee for the influences of the Holy Spirit to awaken our attention, convince us of sin, convert us to holiness and fit us to enjoy thee in the heavenly world. We praise thee for seasons of prayer, for support under trouble and above all for the hope of glory through thy Son. We praise thee for the protection of the night past-that our sleep was not the sleep of death-we see the morning light in health and comfort and in the beginning of this day may read thy word, and lift up our souls to thee in prayer. We thank thee for all personal and family blessings; may a sense of thy goodness abide on our hearts, and influence us to all the duties of piety.

Protect us this day from all evil and assist us in every duty; may we remember that we are always in thy presence-that thou art the inspector of all our conduct, and that we must give account to thee for our improvement of every day. Give us this day our daily bread, and help us successfully to resist every temptation.

We pray thee to bless this family-may we who are the head, walk before our household in thy fear, and bring up our children in thy nurture and admonition; suffer not sickness to enter our dwelling, and let our lives and healths be precious in thy sight.

May thy gracious presence be in the midst of this place-thy Spirit be abundantly poured upon thy people; may thy church be increased, and thy servant who ministers in holy things, have a double portion of thy Spirit and be enabled rightly to divide the word of truth, and give to every one a portion in season.

Bless our land-rule in the hearts of our rulers-be with the chief magistrate of our nation; give him wisdom to conduct the important concerns of our country, and make him an instrument of great good to us ; may all our rulers be just, ruling in the fear

* of the Lord.

Be with all thy churches; succeed a preached gospel, and go with those who have gone to preach the gospel in our infant settlements-may the wilderness blossom like the rose; succeed any attempts to christianize the heathen, and may they be brought to the knowledge of the truth; order times and seasons favorably; pity all in affliction, and prepare the dying for death. Extend mercy to a guilty world; let thy gospel be preached to every creature, and may thy church be glorious in all the earth; may wars and tumults cease and peace and righteousness fill the world.

We renewedly commend ourselves and all our concerns to thee; may we live as dying and accountable creatures, and discharge with fidelity the duties of our several stations and relations in life; may we grow in grace, and the knowledge of God-continually enjoy an approving conscience-and when we are about to depart out of this life, may we rejoice, beholding our redemption drawing nigh; and when absent from the body, may we be present with the Lord and join that blessed society on high, where we shall for ever celebrate the praises of redeeming love through Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father and Holy Spirit be dominion and praise. Amen.

A Prayer for a Family under bereavement.

ETERNAL Sovereign of the universeall things are under thy control and subject to thy will. The destines of all men are fixed in thine eternal counsels, the bounds of human life are assigned to each of us, beyond which we cannot pass. The various states of prosperity and adversity are allotted to us in thy infinite wisdom. Thou bringest down to the grave and thou raisest us up againthou givest joy and sorrow as thou seest best adapted to promote our piety, and qualify us for the enjoyments of thy presence.

We adore thy infinite glories and perfections, and desire to humble ourselves under the rebukes of thy rod.

Thou hast sent death into this family and taken away one who was the desire of our eyes. While we own thy judgments are

just, may we be enabled to see that in covenant love and faithfulness thou hast afflicted us. Dear Redeemer, remember us in this day of affliction, and comfort our hearts with thy heavenly consolations. Be present with thy supporting grace, that we may not faint under thy rebuke. May we honor thee by a wise improvement of this trial and by a patient submission to thy sovereign will, and in the multitude of our thoughts within us, let thy consolations delight our souls. May we examine our hearts and conduct that we may know why the Lord hath thus dealt with us; and be earnest at the throne of grace that we may learn what thou wouldst have us do.

O God, sorrow hath filled our hearts by reason of the wide breach thou hast made in our family. Oh, heal the breach which thy hand hath made, and make up our loss in the enjoyment of thy gracious presence.Come and take possession of our hearts, and enable us to devote ourselves entirely to thee. May we have that peace and consolation which results from submission to thy will.

We acknowledge we have deserved all our trials, and infinitely greater, for we have sinned against thee. We have abused thy bounties and have forgotten thee in our inordinate love of creature comforts. We have despised the riches of thy grace, misimproved our time, and rejected the great salvation of the gospel. We desire to humble ourselves before thee and acknowledge with


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