Legends of Atlantis and Lost LemuriaQuest Books, 1 janv. 1925 - 190 pages In this book inhabitants of Atlantis and Lemuria come alive--their hopes and fears, their achievements and sins. The submerged continents are described in graphic detail--their location, history, flora and fauna, human inhabitants, customs, science, religion, and contact with advanced teachers. The information comes from the writings of Plato, from the esoteric tradition as set forth in The Secret Doctrine of H.P. Blavatsky, and from the clairvoyant writings of C.W. Leadbeater, one of the most remarkable sensitives of modern times. The result is a modern expression of a timeless myth in which everyone now living has a role. Color maps are included in the book. |
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Expressions et termes fréquents
Adept Africa Akkadian amongst ancient Aryan race Asia astral Atlantean Atlantean Race Atlantic Ocean became Blavatsky Book of Dzyan catastrophe Charles Webster Leadbeater civilization clairvoyance coast continent of Atlantis continent of Lemuria course Critias developed divine Donnelly's dynasty early earth east Egypt Egyptian emigrations emperor Eocene epoch Europe evolution existence fact fauna and flora Fifth Root Race formed fossil Fourth Root Race geological Golden Gates human India inhabitants island continent kingdom kings land masses later days Lemuria Lodge of Initiates Lost Lemuria Madagascar Manu Manvantara ment metal Miocene mother-continent mountain naturally nent occult origin Permian physical Plato Poseidonis present probably reached reference remains reptiles Rmoahal Root Race rulers Scott-Elliot second map period Secret Doctrine seen Semite seventh sub-race South America southern story of Atlantis submerged temples Theosophical tion Tlavatli to-day Toltec Toltec race tribes Turanian volcanic worship