Diamonds in the Dust: 366 Sparkling DevotionsZondervan, 1993 - 416 pages With more than 200,000 copies sold, Diamonds in the Dust has become a devotional favorite. Joni shows us precious jewels of biblical truth that lie scattered amidst the gravel of life's dusty road. "The book you hold in your hands is my treasure trove of diamond chips I've collected over the years," says Joni. "I've carefully selected favorite gems, ones I've often held to the light, turned this way and that to admire their beauty, diamonds that have made me rich in faith and wealthy in hope." These 366 meditations uncover a wealth of promise, of eternal truths waiting to transform the events of our lives into facets that catch and reflect God's glory. Written from the perspective of a woman who traverses life in a wheelchair, this book wipes away the surface grit of suffering and circumstances to reveal the radiant hope that each of us can claim. Diamonds in the Dust takes theology and gives it flesh, breath, and emotion. With eloquence, Joni draws from her own trials and triumphs to enrich us all with the wisdom of Scripture. But she's not the only one whose everyday life holds such potential. "Look down at your feet," Joni writes. "The path sparkles. God has placed diamonds in the dust of your road too!" |
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Résultats 1-5 sur 61
... remembers that these remarkably faith - filled devotionals radiated from the soul and heart and mind of a person who , though paralyzed from the shoulders down since 1967 , ministers to others going through a period of pain or suffering ...
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