| 1724 - 408 pages
...any Grant of Lands from the Crown, to himfelf, or to any others in Truft for him. 6. That no Perfons who has an Office or Place of Profit under the King, or receives a Penfion from the Crown, fliall be capable or' i'erving as a Member of the Houfe of Commons. [This Claufe is alfo repeal'd by... | |
 | 1724 - 400 pages
...any Grant of Lands from the Crown, to himfelf, or to any others in Truft for him. 6. That no Perfons who has an Office or Place of Profit under the King, or receives a Penfion from the Crown, mail be capable of ferving as a Member of the Houfe of Commons. [This Claufe .is alfp repeal'd by the... | |
 | 1739 - 660 pages
...which was repealed in the firft year of his late Majefty's reign. — This limitation crvivn, Jhatt be capable of ferving, as a member of the houfe of Commons. — If this had been preserved to us, the other parts, perhaps, had never been repealed. To prevent... | |
 | Tobias Smollett - 1759 - 492 pages
...lands, tenements, or hereditaments from the-crown to himielfi ,or to any others in truft fbr:him : That no perfon who has an office or place of profit...receives a penfion from the crown, fhall be capable of fervingras- member of the houfe of commons : That after the limitation fhall take effect, judges commiffions... | |
 | Nicolas Tindal - 1763 - 642 pages
...lands, tenements, or hereditaments from the crown to himfelf, or to any others in truft for him. VI. That no perfon who has an office or place of profit...capable of ferving as a member of the houfe of commons. VII. That, after the limitation fhall take eft'ect, judges commiffions be made, quamdiu fe bene geflerint,... | |
 | Rapin de Thoyras (M., Paul) - 1763 - 650 pages
...lands, tenements, or hereditaments from the crown to himfelf, or to any others in truft for him. VI. That no perfon who has an office or place of profit under the king, or receives a pen/ion from the crown, fhall be capable of ferving as a member of the houfe of commons. VII. That,... | |
 | Great Britain - 1764 - 564 pages
...made. XXV. And whereas alfo in the faid afi it was amongft other things enafled in the words following, That no perfon who has an office or place of profit under the King, or receives a penfton from the crown, ßall be capable offer-uing as a member of the häufe of commons ; and it appearing... | |
 | Great Britain - 1764 - 562 pages
...whereas alfo in the faid аЯ it was among/} other things enafled in the words following, That no per/on who has an office or place of profit under the King, or receives a penfttn from the crown, Jhall be capable of fen/ing as a member of the houfe of commons ; and it appearing... | |
 | 1770 - 384 pages
...which was one of the conditions of the feulement of the crown upon the houle of Hanover, is this. " That no perfon, who has an office or place of profit...under the King, or receives a penfion from the crown, fliall be capable of ferving as a member of the houfe of commons." The value of this, clauie, cannot... | |
 | Thomas Hinton Burley Oldfield - 1792 - 568 pages
...from becoming efficient wiihout refponfibility. AND by another of thefe articles it was ordained — " That no perfon who has an office, or " place of profit...be capable of " ferving as a member of the houfe of com" mons *." BUT, » It might perhaps have been objedled at that time, a» well as at prefent, that... | |
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