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" The power of the crown, almost dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew, with much more strength, and far less odium, under the name of Influence. "
The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ... - Page 408
de Great Britain. Parliament - 1793
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The Gentleman's and London Magazine: Or Monthly Chronologer, 1741-1794

1741 - 858 pages
...utliioy ii in the cradle, or to rtfut its growth duijii™ us infancy. " The power of the crown, almoft dead and rotten as prerogative, has grown up anew, with much more llrength, ami fnr Itls odium, under the name of inQuencej — At the Revoluliun, the court was obliged...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: A vindication of natural ...

Edmund Burke - 1889 - 556 pages
...of an arbitrary, government, were things not altogether incompatible. The power of the crown, almost dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew, with much more strength, and far less odium, under the name of Influence. An influence, which operated without noise...
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Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents

Edmund Burke - 1770 - 140 pages arbitrary Government, were things not altogether incompatible. • The power of the Crown, almoft dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew,...Influence. An influence, which operated without noife and without violence ; an influence which converted the very antagonift, into the inftrument, of power...
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal, Volume 42

Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1770 - 604 pages
...forward in- aflerting the high authority of the Houfe of Commons ; thus the power of the crown, almoft dead and rotten as prerogative, has grown up anew,...ftrength, and far lefs odium, under the name of Influence : this operates without noife or violence ; this converts the very antagonift into the iri'ftrument...
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The Nature and Institution of Government: Containing an Account of ..., Volume 1

William Smith (M.D.) - 1771 - 508 pages
...the crown, almoft dead and rotten, as to prerogative, grew up anew, with much more ftrength, and fan lefs odium, under the name of influence. An influence which operated without noife and without violence ; an influence which converted the very antagoniil into the inftrument of power; which...
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Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents

Edmund Burke - 1784 - 136 pages
...of an arbitrary Government, were things not altogether incompatible. The power of the Crown, almoft dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew,...Influence. An influence, which operated without noife and without violence ; an influence which converted the very antagonift, into the inftrument, of power...
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The English Review, Or, An Abstract of English and Foreign Literature, Volume 17

1791 - 508 pages,compatible. J /j " The power of the crown, almoft dead and rotten as prerogative has grown up anew with more ftrength and far lefs odium, under the name of...influence; an influence which operated without noife and without violence ; an influence which converted the very antagonift into the inftrument of power ;...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Collected in Three ..., Volume 1

Edmund Burke - 1792 - 604 pages
...of an arbitrary government, were things not altogether incompatible. The power of the crown, almoft dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew,...An influence, •which operated without noife and without violence ; an influence which converted the very antagonift, into the inftrument, of power...
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The works of ... Edmund Burke [ed. by W. King and F. Laurence]., Volume 1

Edmund Burke - 1792 - 596 pages
...of an arbitrary government, were things not altogether incompatible. The power of the crown, almoft dead and rotten as Prerogative, has grown up anew,...of Influence. An influence, which operated without nuife and without violence; an influence which converted the very antagonift, into the inftrument,...
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The Trial of Thomas Hardy for High Treason, at the Sessions House ..., Volume 3

Thomas Hardy, Joseph Gurney - 1795 - 460 pages
...things not altogether incompatible. " The power of the Crown altnoft dead and rotten as Preroi" gative, has grown up anew, with much more ftrength and " far...lefs odium, under the name of influence. An influence M which operated without noife and. violence j which convertejl ** the very antagonift into the inftrumenf...
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