| 1793
...rrtidt'td djpcrate hy the grinding opfrjfiin of their goi-eniars; and there is no faying more ftriftly true than this — that '• Times make men, but men...Firft ? What the revolution in this country ?- The opprelfions of the executive government. To the fame caufe America owes her freedom. Laftly, what brought... | |
| Robert Bisset - 1803 - 544 pages
...description : the feelings of the governed, rendered defperate by the grinding oppreffion of their governors. What brought about that great event the reformation...avarice and injuftice of the church of Rome. What produced the cataftrophe of Charles the firft ? What produced the revolution in this country? The oppreffions... | |
| David Hume - 1811 - 568 pages
...description : the feelings of the governed, rendered desperate by the grinding oppression of their governors. What brought about that great event the reformation ? Not the theories or speculations of philosophers, but the impolitic avarice and injustice of the church of Rome. What produced.... | |
| Robert Bisset - 1816 - 808 pages
...: the feelings -of the governed, rendered desperate by the grinding oppression of their governors. What brought about that great event the reformation ? Not the theories or speculations of philosophers, but the impolitic avarice and injust-'ce of the church of Rome. What... | |
| William Cobbett - 1817 - 800 pages
...rendered desperate by the grinding oppression of their governors; and there is no saying more strictly true than this, - that times make men, but men never...great event the Reformation ? Not the theories or speculations of philosophers, but the impolitic avarice and injustice of the church of Rome. What brought... | |
| Edmund Burke - 1821 - 754 pages
...more strictly true than this — that " Times make men, but men petition which has been presentnever make the times." What brought about that great event the reformation ? Not the theories or speculations of philosophers, but the impolitic avarice and injustice of the church of Rome. What ed... | |
| Parliamentary and political miscellany - 1851 - 714 pages
...rendered desperate by the grinding oppression of their governors ; and there is no saying more strictly true than this, "that times make men, but men never...great event the Reformation ? Not the theories or speculations of philosophers, but the impolitic avarice and injustice of the Church of Rome. What brought... | |
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