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" ... threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the king, of the lords, and of the commons. "
The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ... - Page 516
de Great Britain. Parliament - 1793
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 35

...great mafs of the people from any lubftantial influence ia the election of the houfe of comw mons, and which, in its progrefs, threatens to ufurp the...of which your petitioners complain, is of two kinds : 1/iat which arifes from the unequal diftribution of the elective franchife, and the peculiar rights...
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

Ralph Griffiths, George Edward Griffiths - 1793 - 636 pages
...obvioufly tends to exclude the great mafs of the People from any fubftantial influence in the Eleclion of the Houfe of Commons, and which, in its progrefs,...fovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of thq King, of the Lords, and of the Commons. By thefe two means, a weight of Parliamentary Influence...
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Memoirs of the Reign of George III. to the Session of Parliament ..., Volume 5

William Belsham - 1801 - 428 pages
...the election of the house of commons, and which, in its progress, threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the king, of the lords, and of the commons. Your petitioners are confident that, BOOK in what they have stated, they are supported by the evidence...
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Memoires of the Reign of George III. to the Commencement of the Year 1799

William Belsham - 1802 - 592 pages
...leave to call the attention of your -honourable houfe to the greateft evil produced by thefe dejects in the reprefentation of which they complain, namely,...danger "of the king, of the lords, and of the commons. Your petitioners are confident that, in what they have ftated, they are fupported by the evidence of...
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Cobbett's Weekly Political Register, Volume 22

1812 - 448 pages
...the election of the House of Commons, and which in its progress threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the king, of...patronage of which your Petitioners complain, is of Iwo kinds : Thai which arises from the unequal distribution of the elective franchise, and tlie peculiar...
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The Pamphleteer, Volume 8

Abraham John Valpy - 1816 - 630 pages
...the election of the House of Commons, and which in its progress, threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the king, of the lords, aud of the commons. The patronage of which your petitioners complain, is of two kinds : That which...
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Annual Register, Volume 35

Edmund Burke - 1821 - 754 pages
...the election of the house of commons, and which, in its progress, threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the king, of...patronage of which your petitioners complain, is of tu-o kinds : That which arises from the unequal distribution of the elective franchise, and the peculiar...
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Cobbett's Weekly Register, Volume 62

William Cobbett - 1827 - 448 pages
...the election of the house of commons, and which, in its progress, threatens to usurp thei sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the '•king,...commons. The p.atronage of which your petitioners cCmPJain> is of two kinds : That which Arises from the unequal distribution of l^e elective franchise,...
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A History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland ..., Volume 2

William Cobbett - 1834 - 380 pages
...whatsoever of the people ; and that this evil threatened, in its progress, to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the King, of the Lords, and of the Commons." 24. Now, may it please YOUR HOLINESS, this is the great question of the people of England, a very great...
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Imagining the King's Death: Figurative Treason, Fantasies of Regicide, 1793-1796

John Barrell - 2000 - 850 pages
...extension of 'private parliamentary patronage', 'an abuse which . . . threatens to usurp the sovereignty of the country, to the equal danger of the King, of the Lords, and of the Commons'.'8 Now that the plot was fully and finally discovered, argued Thelwall, Pitt and his ministers...
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