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" ... enough to appear in public ; by which our own neighbouring provinces would be expofed to feveral dangers, by the confequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. " We have therefore, in conjunction with her... "
The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ... - Page 295
de Great Britain. Parliament - 1793
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 35

...wait for the period when tk faftion feel themfelves ftrongenongli to appear in public ; by which wr own neighbouring provinces would be expofed to feveral dangers, by the confequences of the anarchy ou our frontiers. We have therefore, in conjunc tion with her roajefty the emprc:; of Ruflia, and with...
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The history of Poland ... 1795; to which is prefixed an accurate account of ...

Stephen Jones - 1795 - 544 pages
...neighbouring great kingdom, we remained inactive fpectators, and fhould wait for the period when the fattion feel themfelves ftrong enough to appear in public...therefore, in conjunction with her majefty the emprefs of Ruffia, and with the affent of his majefty the Roman emperor, acknowledged, that the fafety of our...
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The History of Poland: From Its Origin as a Nation to the Commencement of ...

Stephen Jones - 1795 - 548 pages
...neighbouring great kingdom, we remained inactive fpeetators, and fhould wait for the period when the faction feel themfelves ftrong enough to appear in public...provinces would be expofed to feveral dangers, by the confcquences of the anarchy on our frontiers. " We have therefore, in conjunction with her majefi y...
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The Life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia: With Seven Portraits ..., Volume 3

Jean-Henri Castéra - 1799 - 552 pages
...neighbouring great kingdom, we remained inactive fpeftators, and mould wait for the period when the factions feel themfelves ftrong enough to appear in public...feveral dangers, by the confequences of the anarchy ok our frontiers. We have, therefore, in conjunction with her majefty the emprefs of Ruffia, and with...
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The Life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia ...

William Tooke - 1800 - 612 pages
...great kingdom, we remained inactive fpeciators, and fliould for the period when the factions feeU themfelves ftrong enough to appear in public ; by...roman emperor, acknowledged, that the fafety of our fiate^ did require to let to the republic of Poland fuch boundaries as are more compatible with her...
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Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan: (Several ...

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - 1816 - 452 pages
...remained inactive spectators, and should wait for the period when the faction feel themselves strong enough to appear in public; by which our own neighbouring provinces would be exposed to several dangers, by the consequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. We have therefore,...
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Speeches of the Late Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan: (Several ...

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - 1816 - 440 pages
...; by which our own neighbouring provinces would be exposed to several dangers, by the consequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. We have therefore, in conjunction with Her Majesty the Empress of Russia, and with the assent of His Majesty the Roman Emperor, acknowledged,...
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Annual Register, Volume 35

Edmund Burke - 1821 - 754 pages
...remainedinactive spectators, ami should wait for the period when the faction feel themselves strong enough to appear in public; by which our own neighbouring provinces would be exposed to several dangers, 1iy the consequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. We have, therefore,...
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Select Parliamentary Speeches of R.B. Sheridan

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - 1828 - 304 pages \vhich our own ueiglibonriug provinces wonld he exposed to several dangers , by the consequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. We have therefore , in conjunction with Her Majesty the Empress of Russia , and with the assent of His Majesty the Roman Emperor , acknowledged,...
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The Speeches of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan ..., Volume 2

Richard Brinsley Sheridan - 1842 - 584 pages
...remained inactive spectators, and should wait for the period when the faction feel themselves strong enough to appear in public, by which our own neighbouring provinces would be exposed to several dangers by the consequences of the anarchy on our frontiers. " We have, therefore,...
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