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" Ireland as shall for the time being be actually elected and shall not have declined to serve for any county, city, or borough of Great Britain, hath any right to give his vote in the election of any member to serve in parliament. "
The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and Debates of ... - Page 383
de Great Britain. Parliament - 1793
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The Universal magazine of knowledge and pleasure, Volume 16

1755 - 490 pages
...a Committee was appointed accordingly. The fame day, the Houfe came to the following refolutions : That no Peer of, this realm hath any right to give...the election of any Member to ferve in Parliament. That, where the Houfe (hall judge any petition touching elections to be frivolpus and vexatious, the...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Volume 35

...a Britifh houfe of commons, refolve, as appears by your journals, " That no peer of this realm hi^h any right to give his vote in 'the election of any member to ferve in parliament;" aid alfo, " That it is a high infringotient upon the liberties and prinlegrs of the commons of Great...
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England: Being a ..., Volume 23

Great Britain. Parliament - 1761 - 658 pages
...during the faid Election. ' Dec. 14, 1699. Refolved, Nemine Contradicentel That no Peer of this Kingdom hath any Right to give his Vote in the Election of any Member to ferve in Parliament. ' Revived Nov. 9, 1703; Nov. 22, 1708; and every Seffionfince. A a 3 < Feb. ' Feb. 13, 1700, 12 Gul....
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The Parliamentary Or Constitutional History of England;: From the Earliest ...

1763 - 498 pages
...during the faid Election. *Dtc. 14, 1699. Refojtfed, tfemini Contradicente, That no Peer of this Kingdom hath any Right to give his Vote in the Election of any Member to ferve in Parliament. ' Feb. 135,1700, 12 Gul. IN. Refolved, Nemiire &ntraaicentc, 1 hat where the Houfe fhall judge any...
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History of England, Volume 23

Parliamentary - 1763 - 506 pages
...during the faid Election. ' Dec. 14, 1699. Refolved, Nemine Contradicente, That no Peer of this Kingdom hath any Right to give his Vote in the Election of any Member to ferve in Parliament.. . ' Revived Nov. 9, 1703; Nov. 22, 1708; and •every Seffion fince. A a 3 ' Feb. * Fti. 13, 170*,...
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The Connoisseur, Volume 1

1767 - 298 pages
...eledtion, to fee among the Votes the following Refolution. Refolved. THAT it is an high Infringement of the Liberties and Privileges of the Commons of Great Britain, for any Peerefs, or any other Lady, to concern themfelves in the Elections of Members to ferve for the Commons...
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Laws Concerning the Election of Members of Parliament: With the ...

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, A gentleman of the Inner-Temple - 1774 - 478 pages
...all Members returned upon Double Returns to withdraw till their Returns are determined. 2. Refohed, That no Peer of this Realm hath any Right to give...the Election of any Member to ferve in Parliament. 3. Refohed, That when the Houfe fhaH judge any Petition, touching Elections, to be frivolous and vexatious,...
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The History of Jamaica. Or, General Survey of the Antient and ..., Volume 1

Edward Long - 1774 - 650 pages
...whatfoever. That no member of the honourable the council of this ifland hath any right to interfere with, or to give his vote in, the election of any member to ferve in this aflembly. That twenty-one make a quorum, to a& as if all the members were prefent, and to proceed...
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The Parliamentary Register: Or, History of the Proceedings and ..., Volume 1

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons - 1781 - 546 pages
...that all members returned upon double returns do withdraw till their returns are determined. Refolved, that no peer of this realm hath any right to give...any member to ferve in Parliament. Refolved, that where this Houfe ftiall judge any petition touching elections to be frivolous and vexatious, the Houfe...
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The Speeches of Mr. Wilkes in the House of Commons

John Wilkes - 1786 - 460 pages
...the refplution of this Houfe, of the z6th day of November lafl, " That it is " a high infringement of the liberties and privileges of " the Commons of Great Britain, for any Lord of Par*f liament, or any Lord Lieutenant of any county, to •" concern themfelves in the elections of...
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