| James Granger - 1769 - 314 pages
...that thou here feeft put, " It was for gentle Shakefpear cut; " Wherein the graver had a ftrife « With nature, to out-do the life. " O could he but have drawn his wit ** As well in brafs, as he has hit " His face ; the print would then furpafs " All that was ever writ in brafs. "... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1773 - 494 pages
...fceft put* It was for gentle Shatc/piarecuti, Wherein the graver had a ftrife With nature, to out-doo the life : O, could he but have drawn his wit As well in brafle, as he hath hit His face; the print would then, furpaff* All, that was ever writ in brafle.... | |
| Samuel Felton - 1787 - 400 pages
...here put, It was for gentle Shakefpeare cut j In which the graver had a ftrife With nature, to out do the life.. O could he but have drawn his wit As well in brafs as he hath hit His face, the piece would then furpafcAll that was -ever writ in braft'. But fince... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1788 - 318 pages
...put, " It was for gentle Shakspere cut; " Wherein the graver had a strife " With nature, to out-doo the life, " O, could he but have drawn his wit " As well in brassc, as he hath hit " His face, the print would then surpasje " All that was ever writ in brasse... | |
| William Shakespeare, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson - 1803 - 542 pages
...figure that thou here feeft put, It was for gentle Shakfpeare cut ; Wherein the graver had a ftrife With nature, to out-do the life. O, could he but have drawn his wit As well in brafs, as he hath hit His 'face, the print would then furpais All that was ever writ In brafs ; But... | |
| Octavius Gilchrist - 1808 - 74 pages
...reader, by Ben Jonson:— This figure that thou here seest put, It was for gentle Shakspeare cut; Wherein the graver had a strife With nature, to out-do the...could he but have drawn his wit As well in brass, *; he hath hit His face, the print would then surpass All that was ever writ in brass; But since he... | |
| 1808 - 606 pages
...Shakespeare cut ; Wherein the graver had a strife With nature, to outdo the life. O, could he but bave drawn his wit As well in brass, as he hath hit His face, the print would then surpass All that was ever writ in brass ; But since he cannot, reader look, Not on... | |
| William Shakespeare, Capel Lofft - 1812 - 542 pages
...his Pla^t. " This figure that thou here seest put It was for geatlt Shakespeare cut ; Wherein tin- graver had a strife With nature, to outdo the life....wit As well in brass, as he hath hit His face, the print would then surpass All that was ever writ in brass ; But since he cannot, reader look, Not on... | |
| 1816 - 838 pages
...friend Ben Jonson : This figure that thoo here seest put, It was for gentle Shakspeare cut; Wherein the graver had a strife With Nature to out-do the...wit As well in brass as he hath hit His face, the print would then surpass All that was ever writ in brass ; But since he cannot, reader, look Not on... | |
| Ben Jonson, William Gifford - 1816 - 482 pages
...SHAKSPEARE. To THE READER. This figure that thou here seest put, It was for gentle SHAKSPEARE cut, Wherein the graver had a strife With nature, to out-do the...he but have drawn his wit As well in brass, as he has hit His face ; the print would then surpass All that was ever writ in brass : But since he cannot,... | |
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