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Electrical Harpsichord, 334.

Elphinstone, Mr. J. letter to, 105.

English Tongue, on the culture and improvement of the, 221.
Errors, vulgar, enumeration of, 392;-physical, exploded, 404.
Evelyn, John, letter from, 221.

Everard, Mr. letters from, relating to Count Alberti, 18.

Execution, case and opinion on that of Doyle and Valline, 370.
Exercise, contrivance for muscular, 331.


Fevers, intermitting, a security against, 462;-putrid, a remedy
for, 524.

Fire-eating art, 276.

Fishery, 9.

Fish Bones, on swallowing, 449.

Fleetwood, Gen. letter to, from Oliver Cromwell, 4.

Flooring, useful method of, 515.

Foote, letters to and from, 35.

Forty Days, singular predilection for the term of, 530.
Franklin, Dr. Benjamin, letters from, 174, 198, 229, 425.
Frauds, history of, 294.

Free, Rev. Dr. letter from, 162.


Game, a provincial dislike to, 469.

Gaol Distemper, 467.

Gardens, Chinese manner of laying them out, 304.

Garrat, origin of the Mayor of, 445.

Garrick, letters relative to, 17;-ludicrous Letters to and from, 56.

Geneva Divines, 49.

Gentoo woman burned with her deceased husband, 428.

Gout, remedies for, 292, 293, 477.

Grabe, Dr. 158.

Gray, strictures on the posthumous works of, 40;-Letter from, 64.
Great, on the general application of the word, 384.

Greatrakes, Valentine, the Stroker, 431.

Grey, Dr. R. letter to, 175.

Hail-water, unwholesome, 364.


Hales, Dr. Stephen, letters from, 201, 239;-his experiments to
keep water and fish sweet, 278;-his method of obtaining

fresh sea-water, 285;-his experiments for sweetening ill-
tasted milk, &c, by ventilation, 287.

Handel, letter relative to, and extract of a letter from, 93.

Harley, Lord, letter to, 158.

Harpsichord, construction of an electrical one, 334.

Harrington, Sir John, concerning his dog, 30.

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Harris, James, Esq. letters from, to Fielding's Parson Adams, 58.
Harvey, on his discovery of the circulation of the blood, 342.
Hastings, Warren, Esq. letter to, 104.

Hawking, 503.

Head-ache, lunar, 390.

Hearne, Thomas, letter from, on the Alexandrian MS. 157.
Hearne, Rev.

-, letter from, 115.

Helvetius, his character of the Pretender, 160.

Henderson, John, letters from, 167.

Henrietta Maria, Queen, letters of, to Charles I. 32.

Henry VIII. his interview with Frances I. 408.

Henry, Prince of Wales, letter to, from Sir Walter Raleigh, 28;—
from Sir John Harrington, 30.

Herbert, Sir Philip, account of the marriage of, 124.

Herbert, Sir William, letter from, 89.

Hertford, Countess of, letters from, on the loss of her son, 12, 13.
Hildesley, Bishop, letter to, 195 ;-letters from, 199, 205;-letter
concerning, 200;-letters to, 201, 204;-his last illness
and death, 206.

Hill, Robert, account of, 264.

Hoadley, Bishop, letters from, 235.

Honey recommended in asthmatic cases, 526.

Hoole, translator of Tasso, 105.

Hope, Rev. C. letter to, 165.

Hops, not so good as formerly, with a remedy, 478.

Horne, Bishop, letter to, 115;-letters from, 179, 183, 185.

Howard, John, letters from, 122.

Howell, James, curious story of, 401.

Hudibras, edition of, 141.

Hughes, Rev. J. letters from, 45.

Hume, David, letters from, 95, 159;-character of his history,


Hunt, Mr. Nicholas, letter to, 213.

Hurd, Bishop, 64.


James, Dr. patent for his powders, 434.

Idra, mines of, 18.

Johnson, Dr. Samuel, letter relating to, 17;-letters from, rela-
tive to the Lives of the Poets, 84;-letter from, to Rev.

Wilson, author of the Archæological Dictionary,

91;his dedication prefixed to Adams's Treatise on the
Globes, 92;-letter from, to the Rev. T. Warton, 96 ;-
to a young clergyman, 103;-to Warren Hastings, Esq.
104 to Mr. Elphinstone, 105-letter relating to his
prayers and meditations, from Dr. Adams, 106;-letters to
and from, on suicide, 107;-letters written for Zachary
Williams, 142;-letter from, concerning Robert Levet,
171;-to Dr. Taylor, on the death of his wife, 190.
Ireland, Swift's Character of, 10, 11.

Italy, pictures in, 7.


Kempett, a great mechanic, 386.

King's Bench, trial in the court of, 21.

Kingston, Duchess of, letters to and from, 37.

Kennicott, Dr. letter from, 178.


Lancaster, Rev. Dr. Nathaniel, letters from, 76.

Lauderdale, Lord, letter from, 189.

Learned, Works of the, 76...

Leland, Dr. John, letter from, 204.

Lenthall, Speaker, letter to, from O. Cromwell, 5.

Letter, a threatening one, sent to the Duke of Marlborough, 322.
Lever, Sir Ashton, his directions for preserving birds, &c. 502.
Levet, Robert, 171.

Lichfield, Cathedral of, on repairing, 165;-account of the see
and bishops of, 227.

Live flesh, feasting on, 514,

Lives of the Poets, letters relating to, 84.

Locke, John, letter from, 219.

Loft, Capel, Esq. letter to, on the subject of prisons, 465.
Longevity, particular studies favourable to, 476.

Longitude, letters concerning the discovery of, 142.

Ludwig, John, account of, 269.

Lungs, the swimming of, no certain sign of a child being born

alive, 404.

Lyon, William, wonderful memory of, 250.


Maddock, Dr. letter to, 63.

Marble, method of staining, 247.

Marlborough, Sarah Duchess of, letter from, 238.

threatening letter sent to the Duke of, 322.

Marmor Sandvicense, 59.

Marriages, on early, 174.

Marriages at Court, the celebration of, 124.
Mary, Queen of Scots, 60.

Matrimony, letter to a young lady on the eve of, 97.
Meat, on salting, 450.

Medals, method of taking impressions from, 388.
Mew, Bishop, singular circumstance of his death, 407.
Milk, distillation of a spirituous liquor from, 399.
Milles, Dean, letter to, 79.

Milton, on his portrait, 42.
Mine-knockers, 215.

Montague, anecdote of the Duke of, 288.
Monument, expence of building, 452.

Moore, Archbishop, letter to, 162.

Morris, Lewis, Esq. letter from, 215.

Murder, remarkable trial for, 345;-discovery of, 472.

Music, the effect of, on the nerves, 455 ;-the profession of, fa-
vourable to longevity, 476.

Musical Prodigy, 435.

Musk, the effect of, in curing the gout in the stomach, 292.
Mustard recommended in asthmatic cases, 528.


Natural History, vulgar errors in, 393.

Needs, John, foretells the death of himself and others, 407.

Nerves, the effect of music on the, 455.

Neve, Dr. Timothy, letter of, 119.
Newcombe, Rev. Thomas, letter to, 218.

Newspapers, the progressive introduction of, 506 ;-number of,

508, note.

Newton, Sir Isaac, Latin letter from, 63.

Newton, Bishop, letter from, 172.

Nichols, John, letter to, from Dr. Johnson, 84.

Northesk, Earl of, letters to, on the marriage of his daughter, 188.
Norwich, the learned tailor of, 266.

Noses, the operation of putting on new ones, 510.


Oil, rough water calmed by, 434.
Orford, Earl of, letters from, 230.

Ormond, Duke of, to his son, 14.
Oxford, Earl of, letter from, 141.
Oxford, stained marble at, 248.


Pagitt, Justinian, letter from, 21.

Parnassus, Raphael's picture of, 6.

Parson Adams, 58.

Partridge, the almanac-maker, letter from, 94..
Patents, Lord Mansfield's opinion on, 433.
Pegge, Rev. S. letter from, 165.

Peeping Tom, 226.

Penn, Springett, letter to, 100.

Pentecostals, 166.

Percival, Dr. letter from, on the subject of prisons, 465.
Percy, Rev. Dr. 104.

Peterborough, literary Society at, 119.

Phillips, his Life of Cardinal Pole, 186.

Philosophy, Rustic, 335.

Physical error exploded, 404.

Picture, description of one, in Windsor Castle, 408.

Picture, description of two curious, 79.

Pins, on swallowing, 449.

Plague, 467.

Plants, male and female, 479.

Plot, remarkable anecdote from his History of Oxfordshire, 338.
Poetry, History of English, 64.

Poets, Johnson's Lives of the, 84.

Poor, education of the, 118.

the Industrious, proposal for lending small sums to, 497.

Pope, proceedings on the election of a, 368.

Pope, letter from, 140.

Powder, sympathetic, wonderful effects of, 401.

Powell, the fire-eater, 276.

Pownall, Governor, letters to, 230.

Prayer, Forms of, 50.

Predictions, extraordinary, 407.

enthusiastic, the absurdity of, 283.

Premises, that word improperly applied, 511.

Pretender, on his being in London, 159.

Priestley, Dr. letters to, 167.

Pringle, Sir John, letter to, 159.

Prior, letters to and from, 54, 153.

Prisons, on the ventilation of, 464.

Prophecies, 172.

Proverbial saying explained, 336.

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