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services of my family to the church as our greatest honour; and, if you must say one word more of me, let it be, I intreat you, barely this, that I have always been a lover of learning and learned men.

1781, Jan.

I am, Sir, with great esteem,

your most humble servant,


XXVIL Mr. Harris, of Salisbury, to Fielding's Parson Adams.

Aug. 10.

MR. URBAN, THIS letter having accidentally fallen into my hands, I send it to you, with such elucidations as I could procure. The gentleman to whom it is addressed I take to have been the original Parson Adams of Fielding's Joseph Andrews, and to have died in August 1757. The writer is certainly the late celebrated Mr. Harris, of Salisbury, whose decease you noticed in your Magazine for December last.



HAVE you a corner left in your mind for the men of peace? or is it wholly occupied by battles and marshals? Do you still remember there is such a place as England, a passable island, near as big as some of those in your Rhine; or is it totally forgot? and have we nothing to do but shake our heads, and cry, " poor friend Young, Hunc circumtonuit gaudens Bellona cruentis?"

Wherever you are, whether mindful of us or forgetful, of this be assured, that we have not forgot you*. We have drank your health, inquired after you, and though we could not exactly learn what share you had in the late victoryf, it was some comfort to us, to hear at least, that you were not expended in the purchase of it. This was not, indeed, the first report: fame, with that false nether trumpet of

Mr. Young went to Germany in 1743, about the time his majesty went abroad that year.

At Dettingen.

Alluding to a message from the officer commanding an attack at Carthagena to the commander in chief.

her's, had at first blown abroad that you were slain.—Alas! cries one, what Bentley and Young both departed!—to be sure, cries another, he is gone to Priscian's bosom.--I will warrant says a third, grim Aristarchus smiled to see him.Doubtless, sir, replied another; but what a merry Greek that day was his old friend Aristophanes! As merry, said I, as we are sad. These, sir, you will readily grant, were no more than natural reflections, upon a supposition that the cruel sisters had cut your fatal worsted*. But how great, think you, was our joy when we found that you were still alive; that you had not only escaped the dangers of the battle, but had even entered and returned again from the French campt with as much safety as old Priam visited the camp of his cruel adversaries the Grecians? We soon became convinced that you Viri Mercuriales might go where you would, and Hermes would never forsake you. May he prove as propitious to the young heroes of your army, who it is likely may want his aid as much as you, though upon occasions as different and heterogeneous as possible. But now perhaps you may expect 1 should tell you some news, and inform you of your friends, Dr. Colliert, Messrs. Fielding§, Upton, Sydenham¶, and my brother**. I have seen them all lately, and they are all well.Dr. Taylor I have heard of, who is well likewise. He has lately published a piece called "Marmor Sandvicense," a dissertation on an antique inscription, brought by Lord Sandwich from Athens. The doctor has excellently explained it, and given many curious remarks on the orthography, method of accompting, as well as marks and numerals of the Greeks, with a variety of other matter respecting the customs of those times. The whole is now rendered plain and easy; but had it not been for the doctor, it would certainly have proved (as Mr. Bays says) "a crust for the critics." Another friend of yourstt has printed off his

* This seems to me a designed play on the words cruel and worsted.

+ See Mr. Murphy's Essay, prefixed to the first volume of Fielding's Works. This instance of Mr. Y.'s absence is said to have been communicated to that author by an officer of the regiment Mr. Y. was chaplain to. But Mr. Y. about that time was chaplain general to the hospitals abroad, and not to any regiment till some years after.

Dr. Arthur Collier of the Commons.

Henry Fielding, Esq.

Canon Upton, editor of Spenser's Faery Queer, &c.

Floyer Sydenbam, Esq. the translator of Plato's Dialogues.

** John Harris, Esq. of Salisbury."

+ If this means Mr. Harris himself, what Dialogues are meant? Is it vel. I. of Hermes, which was not published till the year 1745?

Dialogues, and is immediately setting about notes, which he intends to subjoin to them. He bids the pastry-cooks defiance for this Christinas, as he purposes not to publish till some time in January. It is to be hoped, by that time you will be returned, and indeed long before*. For let me give you conquerors on the other side of the water one piece of advice; if you do not come home, and wear your laurels while fresh, they will wither by keeping as much as cabbage or ground-ivyt.

However, be your return distant or near, I insist on your writing to me, and that more than once. Incur not by your neglect that mortal sin Accidia‡, whose name I should never have known but by your kind instruction. I, you see, have escaped its imputation by this tedious epistle. You, I know, can escape it with a far better grace, and this I daily pray you may have grace to do. In the mean time believe me to be with all truth, dear Mr. Young, your most affectionate humble servant,

Sarum, Oct. 1, 1743.


(Directed thus)

To Mr. Wm. Young, in Germany.

1781, Aug.

XXVIII. Dr. Stuart to James Cummyng, Esq. Secretary of the Antiquarian Society at Edinburgh, concerning Mary, Queen of Scots.

I BEG to have the honour of transmitting to you, for the library of the Society of Antiquaries at Edinburgh, a copy of my History of Scotland, from the establishment of the Reformation, till the death of Queen Mary. While I am ambitious of depositing my work in so conspicuous a Repository, I am sensible that I may thus call to it the particular examination of many ingenious and learned men. It becomes me, therefore, to observe that I would have abstained industriously from this measure, if I were not conscious of having

Mr. Y. did return the same year before Christmas, and was some time with Mr. H.

This prediction may be scen verified in the parliamentary debates, pamphlets, &c. of those times.


directed my narration by the purest views of public utility. I am consequently in a disposition to attend with candour to whatever can be objected to my book. The historian who can persist in his mistakes, departs from his duty, and violates the character he has assumed. And, if there is a situation where mistakes ought invariably and scrupulously to be corrected, and where a violation of the historical rule is altogether inexcusable, it is in the case of a queen who has suffered in her honour by misrepresentations, and who, with strong and real claims to integrity, has been held out to reproach and infamy. It will not, I believe, be objected to me, that I have fallen into this situation; but whatever my errors are, I shall give way to a commendable pride, and my eagerness to renounce them shall be in proportion to their importance, and to the danger of their tendency. And I desire it to be remembered, that I make this declaration with the greater propriety and justice, as I differ most essentially in my sentiments from a living historian*, who has treated the subject which has attracted my attention, and who enjoys the distinction of being a member of our Society. If it shall be found that I have lost my way, and wandered in the mazy labyrinth of hostile factions, I will, notwithstanding, be ready to catch the clue that ought to have guided my steps. If it shall be demonstrated that Mary was not so perfect and so innocent as I have represented her, I will yield to the controlling power of evidence and argument. Though I shall weep over the misfortunes, the frailties, and the crimes of this beautiful princess, I will yet pay my devotions to truth, and submit to the law of the victor. While you communicate to our Society these expressions of my sincerity, you will readily perceive that they are due from me to a body of men, who, from their birth, their situation, and their studies, are the most able to judge of the intricate and problematical parts of the subject I have undertaken. It is with extreme satisfaction, at the same time, that I embrace the opportunity which is now offered to me of applauding the public and generous cares that have brought them together.

I have the honour to be, with great respect,
Sir, your most obedient,

and most humble servant,

London, April 10, 1782.

1782, April.


* William Robertson, Doctor of Divinity, and Historiographer for Scotland,

XXIX. Letters relative to the Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy.


THE following letters were written by Edward Wake, of Charlton, in the county of Dorset, gent. (uncle to Archbishop Wake) to his wife, while he was in London promoting the establishment of the corporation of the sons of the clergy, of which he formed the first design. They are now first printed, both as they contain an early account of one of our most extensive and meritorious public charities, and as they may tend to perpetuate the praises due to the benevolent exertions of its first projector. The originals are in the possession of the writer's great-grandson, the Rev. Mr. Conant*, of Sandwich in Kent.


London, June 27, 1678.

YOURS of the 24th. I received, and at the same time a letter from Mr. Hearne. Yesterday I was to wayte on madam Whitaker, where I found a second advice of two little roguish children made tawney moores. I have bought a good strong playne horse, which goes all paces excellently well; and as soon as our charter for the charity for poor clergymen's widows and children is past the broad seale, I purpose to waite on you, for I find, unless I stir in it, it will hardly goe on; and if I meet not with bad luck, I hope to finish it next weeke; but the design promises well, and if men that have opened their mouths, will not shut their purses, we shall grow rich, and have a house speedily for 80 boys, and their master lodged. I pray present my duty to my mother, my service to my brother, and the rest of my friends. We are all doubtful whether we shall have peace or war; but the Earle of Sunderland is going, if not gone, to the French king, for the delivery of the towns to the Spaniard and Dutch mentioned in the treaty, or else to declare warre. Five regiments of foote are appointed to ga to Flanders. My dear, your very heartily affectionate friend.


*This gentleman's family were also benefactors to the sons of the clergy in the person of the Rev. John Withers (to whom he was next of kin,) who, among other charitable bequests, to the amount of 10,0001, left 30001, to the uses of this charity.

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