| Edmund Burke - 1784 - 118 pages
...the beft deferves it. • The Ijttle cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happinefs will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in India, which will not blefs the preliding care and manly beneficence of this Houfe, and of hi: i who propofes to you this great work.... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1792 - 676 pages
...who the beft deferves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happinefs will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or...and manly beneficence of this houfe, and of him who propofes to you this great work. Your names will never be feparated before the throne of the Divine... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1798 - 350 pages
...the befthoufe of commons has given to him who the beft deferves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happinels will be...which will not blefs the prefiding care and manly be^ neficence of this houfe, and of him who propofes to you this great work. Your names will never... | |
 | Charles M'Cormick - 1798 - 402 pages
...the beft houfe of commons has given to him who the beft dderves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happinels will be...is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in. India,. India, which will not blefs the prefiding care and manly beneficence of this houfe, and of him who... | |
 | 1800 - 702 pages
...houfehold, the lords of police in Scotland, the mafter of the harriers, the matter of 4 the Tiappinefs will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion, in India, which will not blefs the prcfiding care and manly beneficence of this houfe, and of him who propofes to you this great work.... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1803 - 464 pages
...who the beft deferves it. The little' cavils, of party will not be heard^ where freedom and happinds will be felt. There is not a tongue* a nation, or...blefs the prefiding care and manly beneficence of this houte, and of him who propofes to you this great work. Your names will never be feparated before the... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1807 - 560 pages
...the best deserves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happiness wilt be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in India, which will not bless the presiding care and manly benifjcence of this house, and of him who proposes to you this great... | |
 | Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - 468 pages
...who the best deserves it. The little cavils of party will not be , heard, where freedom and happiness will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in India, which will not bless the presiding care and manly beneficence of this house, and of him who proposes to you this great... | |
 | Rodolphus Dickinson - 1815 - 214 pages
...who the best deserves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedo.m and happiness will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in India, which will not bless the presiding care, and manly beneficence of this house, and of him who proposes ;to you this... | |
 | Edmund Burke - 1816 - 532 pages
...who the best deserves it. The little cavils of party will not be heard, where freedom and happiness will be felt. There is not a tongue, a nation, or religion in India, which will not bless the presiding care and manly beneficence of this. House, and of him who proposes to you this... | |
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