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" ... integrity as to place them beyond all suspicion of any design to deceive others; of such credit and reputation in the eyes of mankind as to have a great deal to lose in case of their being detected in any falsehood, and at the same time attesting... "
Essays and treatises on several subjects - Page 178
de David Hume - 1760
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SERVERAL HANDS - 1755 - 552 pages
...great deal to lofe in cafe of being detected in any falfhood ; and at the fame time attefting fails performed in fuch a public manner, and in fo celebrated...the detection unavoidable: all which circumftances, he fays, are requifite to give us a full afliirance in the teftimony of men. Dr. Leland, in his fourth...
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A View of the Principal Deistical Writers that Have Appeared in England in ...

John Leland - 1755 - 700 pages
...tcfted in any falfhood $ and at the fame time " attefting fads perform'd in fuch a public man" ner, and in fo celebrated a part of the world, " as to...detection unavoidable: All " which circumftances are requifitc to give us a " full aflurance in the teftimony of men *." Here he fuppofes, that where thefe...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects

David Hume - 1758 - 568 pages cafe of being detected in any falfhood*, and at the fame time attefting facts, performed in Rich a public manner, and In fo celebrated a part of the...detection unavoidable : All which circumftances are requinte to give us a full affurance in the teftimony of men. SECONDLY. We may obferve in human nature...
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Essays and Treatises on Several Subjects ...: Essays, moral, political, and ...

David Hume - 1764 - 524 pages
...great deal to lofe in cafe of being detected in any falfhood ; and at the fame time attefting fafls, performed in fuch a public manner, and in fo celebrated...detection unavoidable : All which circumftances are requisite to give us a full afTurance in the teftimony of men. Secondly. We may obferve in human nature...
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A view of the principal deistical writers ... in England in the ..., Volume 1

John Leland - 1764 - 426 pages
...detected in any falfhood; and at the fame time attefting facts performed in fuch a public manner, and-in fo celebrated a part of the world, as to render the...unavoidable : All which circumftances are requifite te give us a full aflurance in the teftimony of men"." Here he fuppofes, that where thefe circumflances...
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An enquiry concerning human understanding. A dissertation on the passions ...

David Hume - 1768 - 540 pages
...great deal to lofe in cafe of being detected in any falfliood ; and at the fame time attefting facts, performed in fuch a public manner, and in fo celebrated a part of the the world, as to render the detection unavoidable : All which circumftances are requifite to give -us...
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An enquiry concerning human understanding. A dissertation on the passions ...

David Hume - 1772 - 556 pages to lofe in cafe of their being detected in any falfehood j and at the fame time, attefting facts, performed in fuch a public manner, and in fo celebrated...which circumftances are requifite to give us a full aiTurance in the teftimony of men. Sicoudly. We may ohferve in human nature a principle, which, if...
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The intent and propriety of the Scripture miracles considered and ..., Volume 1

Henry Owen - 1773 - 328 pages
...any falrtiood; and, at the fame time, attefting facts, performed in fuch a public manner, and in fb celebrated a part of the world, as to render the detection unavoidable: all which circumftances, he fays, are requifite to give us a full aflurance in the teflimony of men u ." Very well. And have...
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Sermons and Tracts Upon Religious Subjects

William Adams - 1777 - 394 pages to lofe, in cafe of being detected in " a falfehood — and, at the fame time, at" tefting facts performed in fuch a public " manner, and in fo celebrated a part of " of the world, as to render the detection " unavoidable : all which circumftances are *c requifite...
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An inquiry concerning human understanding. A dissertation on the passions ...

David Hume - 1788 - 598 pages to lofe in cafe of their being detected in any falfehood ; and at the fame time, attefting fads performed in fuch a public manner, and in fo to render the detection unavoidable: All which circimiftances are requifite to give us a full aflurance in the teftimony of men.. Secondly, We may...
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