The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly Political and Literary Censor, Volume 21Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row, 1805 |
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The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly ..., Volume 8 Affichage du livre entier - 1801 |
The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly ..., Volume 6 Affichage du livre entier - 1800 |
The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly ..., Volume 32 Affichage du livre entier - 1809 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
abuſe addreſſed affertion almoſt alſo anſwer Anti-Jacobin Review appears becauſe beſt Biſhop Bothwell cafe Catholic cauſe character Chrift Chriſtian Church circumſtance cloſe confiderable confidered confift conſequence correſpondence courſe defire deſcribed deſcription deſign Doctor TROY doctrine Engliſh eſpecially eſtabliſhed exerciſe exiſtence expreſſed faid falſe fame favour FINGAL firſt fome fuch fufficient fuperior fure goſpel honour Hoſpital houſe increaſe inſtance inſtitution inſtruction intereſt Ireland itſelf juſt laſt learned friend leaſt leſs letter Lord Lordſhip meaſure moſt muſt nature neceſſary object obſerve occafion opinion paſs paſſage paſſed perſon pleaſed pleaſure poſition poſſible preſent preſerved propoſed publiſhed purpoſe queſtion readers reaſon religion repreſented reſpect Roman ſaid ſame ſays ſcene ſecond ſeems ſeen ſenſe ſentiments ſervice ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhort ſhould ſituation ſmall ſome ſpeak ſpirit ſtands ſtate ſtill ſtyle ſubject ſuch ſupport ſuppoſed ſyſtem theſe thing thoſe tion truth univerſal uſe whoſe wiſhed writer
Fréquemment cités
Page 87 - And the LORD sent an angel, which cut off all the mighty men of valour, and the leaders and captains in the camp of the king of Assyria. So he returned with shame of face to his own land.
Page 169 - But he that knew not. and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
Page 170 - Chrift ; who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of good ^orks* :" That
Page 492 - I would find out wherewith in it to call forth my affections If I could not do better, I would...
Page 355 - I of her malady as one of the few interesting passages in the book. " One further circumstance occurred in the progress of Mary's distemper. She would steal from her bed in the middle of the night, when no one perceived it, and make her escape out of the house. The first time this accident occurred I was exceedingly alarmed.
Page 399 - ... contrived for them rather as they are women than as they are reasonable creatures, and are more adapted to the sex than to the species. The toilet is their great scene of business, and the right adjusting of their hair the principal employment of their lives.
Page 393 - Queen's own account of these transactions," he observes, " the delicacy of the lady, and the prudence of the wife, are in a continual struggle with facts, — willing to lay open the whole for her own vindication, yet unable to do it for her own sake and her husband's, and yet doing it in effect." Vide WHITTAKER, vol. iii. p. 112, et seq. Melville is still more explicit upon the subject, p. 177. And, in a letter from
Page 135 - ... they always take) affords very excellent amusement ; and where pike, or large perch, or even trout, are in plenty, before the hunters, if I may so term these fishers, have run down the first pike others are seen coming towards them, with a velocity proportionable...
Page 193 - Who will render to every man according to his deeds: To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life : But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil...
Page 369 - To relate in what manner the gifts of the Holy Spirit were communicated on the day of Pentecost, and the subsequent miracles performed by the Apostles, by which the truth of Christianity was confirmed.