"Remember, therefore, from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do thy first NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY WILLIAMS & WHITING, AT THEIR THEOLOGICAL AND CLASSICAL BOOK-STORE, J. SEYMOUR, PRINTER. 1809. BT PREFACE. THE writer of the following pages has, for a considerable time, doubted the propriety of some of the common practices of Christians. To satisfy himself he has, (if he is not deceived,) candidly and diligently examined the Scriptures, with a view to ascertain and practice the truth. ble inquiry, his doubts increased. After considera- ed to some highly respectable and pious friends, who frankly acknowledged that they had never fully examined the subject; as they had never had any doubt concerning it. They judged the matter weighty, and advised him to arrange his thoughts, and commit them to paper. This he has endeavoured to do, as well as a very infirm state of body, and a press of commercial business, would admit. After submitting what he had written to some of his friends, they unanimously advised him to lay it before the public; hoping that it might have a tendency to call the subject into notice, and lead to a |