The Idea of being born again. Nothing annihilated, only 4.50 451 Remarks on the Statements of Herodotus and Diodorus. All good Men after Death might assume the Name and The Mummies of the Poor had no Form beyond that of a bandaged Body. Several Gradations in the Mode of Persons employed in preparing the Body. The Under- takers. Many Artisans also assisted in preparing Things Or by the Undertakers. The Seventy-two Days compre- hended the whole Period of Mourning; Forty being alone occupied by the Embalming. The Jews em- balmed the Body and bound it up in Linen Cloths - 459 The Embalmers of the Medical Profession, and of the Class Wise Regulations respecting Dead Bodies found either in Cassian's Reason respecting their Inability to bury during Prejudice against burning the Body. Bandages of Linen. The Intestines how disposed of, according to Porphyry 463 After an Invocation of the Sun they were thrown into the Our Surprise ceases when we see the Ignorance of many The Invocation of the Sun probable. The Intestines when removed placed in Four Cases, each surmounted by the Heads of One of the Four Genii of Amenti, and contain- Canopi. The Sawdust, used as an absorbent when the Body was washed, was even preserved. The Intestines often returned into the Body with Figures of the Four Genii in Wax (or blue Earthenware, or other Materials) 468 - Those dried by balsamic and astringent Substances. Those Mummies of which the Intestines were deposited in Vases. Those of which they were returned into the Body Two Qualities of those without the Ventral Incision Some peculiar Qualities of Mummies. Dr. Granville's Mummy. Few Children found. Greek Mummies The Hands and Feet, how bandaged. Sometimes a Com- position covered the Face, resembling Flesh. Portraits Winged Scarabæus placed on the Breast, and on the The Cartonage placed over the bandaged Body, within the innermost Case. Many Subjects on the Cases Isis sometimes embraces the Feet of the Dead. Nepte Different Mummy Cases and Sarcophagi - Stone Sarcophagi. Some of Earthenware, in the Form of the Body. Time when Embalming ceased Disposition of various Things in the Tombs. The round- headed Tombstone, or Tablet, in Imitation of a Shield. Objects buried with the Dead, depending on his Occu- Various Vases. Jewellery and other Things. Papyri. Small Interior of a mummy pit, or sepulchral chamber, at Thebes; with a Felláh woman searching for papyri and ornaments. LIST AND EXPLANATION OF THE WOODCUTS AND VIGNETTES. Page CHAPTER XIII. (continued). 12. Woodcut, No. 457. Legend "the temple of the Land of P-Selk." 20. No. 458. A breast-plate analogous to the Urim and Thummim. 44. Woodcuts. The crowns and water plants of Upper and Lower Egypt. Ibid. Hieroglyphic legend of Eilethyia. 45. Hieroglyphic signifying the North. Ibid. Other forms of Eilethyia. Ibid. Woodcut, No. 459. The Genius of the Lower Country opposed to the Goddess Eilethyia. 49. Woodcut. Signs preceding the name of the Goddess of the East. Ibid. No. 461. The West and the East. 60. Woodcut. Name of Petamunoph. 81. Woodcut. Mersokar opposed to Eilethyia. 90. Vignette N. 177. Woodcut. 250. No. 464. Ibid. No. 464. a. 252. No. 464. b. 262. No. 465. CHAP. XIV. View of the modern town of Manfalóot. The same fish at the great Oasis. Sacred tamarisk of Osiris at How. Page 263. No. 465. a. Priests watering the sacred tamarisk at Philæ. Various emblems. 266. No. 466. 267. No. 467. 268. No. 468. Gifts vouchsafed by the Gods to the Kings. A king receiving the emblems of majesty and dominion from the god Amun. 269. No. 469. The Trochilus, or Charadrius melanocephalus. CHAP. XV. 270. Vignette O. Exterior of a tomb at Beni Hassan. 276. Woodcut, No. 469. Figures like cherubim, in one of the sacred arks. Ibid. No. 470. Dedication of the pylon of a temple at Thebes. Over fig. 1. is the name of the king, Remeses III. Before him is represented the gateway (on which the sculptures are), and the words "he dedicates the gate of the temple to you; he Phrah (Pharaoh) does this, to whom life has been given." In answer to which the God says, "I give you all the regions of the world (or Egypt), and all the foreign lands." Over the god, fig. 2., is "This is (the word *) of Amun-re, Lord of the region of the world (or Egypt.) I give you a completely pure and established (durable) life and all The other compartment is very similar. The legend of the god varies, reading "This is of Amun-re, king of the Gods, lord of heaven. I give you a completely pure durable life (or life, stability, and purity) and all fortune." 281. Woodcut, No. 471. Sceptre of a queen. 340. No. 472. Censers. 345. No. 473. Heads of foreigners supporting some of the ornamental details of architecture. Ibid. No. 474. Enemies as the footstool of a king. 352. No. 475. Seal of the priests, signifying that the victim might be slaughtered. 353. No. 476. Stands for bearing offerings. 356. No. 477. Different joints placed on the altars and tables. This is doubtful, as the same group often occurs with the name of the god only, evidently not referring to any speech of his. |