M. I will in my turn, beg leave to ask you, Sir, one question: The doctrine of the restitution of all things, what is it Sir? Peter informs us, Acts iii. 21, that heaven must receive our Lord, until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began. What is this doctrine, Sir? if we can determine what this doctrine is, we shall be able to determine whether we stand in the character of God's holy prophets or in that of the accuser of the brethren. L-. "Why, Sir, the doctrine of the restitution of all things is a scripture doctrine, and perfectly consistent with this sentence, These shall go away into everlasting fire." M. True, Sir, most true, this sentence is perfectly consistent with the doctrine of the restitution of all things; blessed be God there is no yea and nay in the words of the divine Author of our holy religion. Our gospel, says an apostle, is not yea and nay, but yea and amen to the glory of the Father. But permit me to ask, if after the fall, Adam had been sent into everlasting fire, would that have been the restitution of Adam? L-. "No, Sir." M. Thank you, Sir. This is in fact answering my question, but, that your answer may appear unequivocal to every understanding, permit me to ask, should any part of Adam be sent into everlasting fire, will such a destination be the restitution of that part? L. "Part, Sir? I do not know what you mean by part. Do you mean legs or arms?" M. O no, Sir, I mean any individual dying in Adam; would the sending any such individual into everlasting fire, be the restitution of that individual? L-. "I cannot tell what you would be at. Let me ask you one question." M. Pray excuse me, until we have adjusted this important business, the restitution of all things; I know that you have answered it in the aggregate, but as we are told that in Adam all died, I wish you to tell me whether any of those who died in the first Adam, will be sent into everlasting fire, there to continue through the wasteless ages of eternity; and whether such characters being thus condemned to endure everlasting burning without a period, will be their restitution? L. "I would ask you one question." M. No, Sir, I have answered many questions; suffer me to repeat, the present question must be determined before I reply to another. The restitution of all things. It is preached by all God's holy prophets. How are we to understand it? - The moderator here interposed with a declaration that Mr. L- had answered the question as well as he was able. M. Will Mr. L will I am indeed answered. make this acknowledgment, Sir? If he L-. "Yes, Sir, I have answered your question, except a remark which I propose by way of illustration. Suppose a piece of mechanism, a clock for example, is damaged, the artist comes and puts it in order, restores every part to its original place, thus rendering it fit for use." M. Thank you, sir, most sincerely I thank you. This is a very beautiful figure and as excellent as beautiful. Yes, I believe it will be realized, and that whatever is wrong in the human family will assuredly be rectified. The shades of evening becoming prevalent, it was observed it would be well to come to a conclusion; when a very respectable character addressing the moderator, informed him he believed it would be pleasing to the congregation, if the meeting instead of being dissolved, were adjourned to another day; and he added some expressions indicating a confidence that both pleasure and profit would result from such an arrangement. The moderator replied, this must be left to the gentlemen themselves. L--. "I am so well satisfied with my own sentiments, that I do not wish to hear any thing further upon the subject. Yet, if Mr. M- be desirious to pursue the inquiry, I have no objection to a future day, provided we can have a moderator able to keep us like lawyers to our point, that we may not wander from it by unnecessary harangues." M--. For myself it was not my wish to be present on this occasion, but being thus unexpectedly engaged I have no objection to a future opportunity; nor have I the smallest objection to our moderator, I think he has conducted with the utmost propriety: but Mr. L-- has originated an idea with which I confess myself much pleased. "If we can be kept like lawyers to our point." We are indeed lawyers; a lawyer is an advocate; we are advocates, we have a most capital cause to plead; what language can describe its magnitude! all heaven and earth are more or less interested in its issue. Would to God that I possessed abilities to do justice to this cause' to enter upon the subject with all the advantage of which it is susceptible and which it indubitably merits. But I shall examine the sacred records. Those records, which are the result of the united labours of the most eminent lawyers of ancient and modern times, I confess I am fond of introducing them. They have one striking advantage which cannot fail to please. The veracity of their reports is acknowledged by all professing Christians. They are what lawyers may not always be, holy men of God and holding the infallible pen of inspiration; and when I name such men as Moses, David, Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, with many other less voluminous writers, though of equal respectability, I conceive their testimony will be considered as decisive. With those ancient authorities, I shall, as I said, combine some of a later date, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. It is upon the reports of all these celebrated lawyers collected and arranged in the Oracles of God that I shall rest the merits of the cause. L-. " Mr. Murray seems to lay much stress upon the number of texts which he can produce, but if he could name nine hundred and ninety-nine to my one, I should pay no regard to that; it is to the tenor of scripture I look." M. I have always supposed the tenor of scripture, was to be found in the major part. However, if Mr. L- will have the goodness to appoint his day, we will, by divine favour, enter on the subject. I, as an humble advocate for the Redeemer of men, will undertake to prove, that every individual son and daughter of Adam, belongeth unto God by creation, by redemption, and by preservation. Mr. L may urge, that although it may be proved we were in the first instance the property of the Most High, we are not so now, that we have sold ourselves, that we have made a covenant with death, and an agreement with hell. On which I shall endeavour to prove, that this same covenant is not good in law, that not being our own, we have not in ourselves the right of disposal, and that consequently our agreement cannot stand. But it may be said, we are in captivity, and that he who hath led us captive, will continue us in his chains. But I shall reply by observing, that the original proprietor was able and willing to lead captivity captive. It may be insisted that the people led captive, will not come to their original owner, that they may have life. To which I shall answer, they shall be willing in the day of God's power. Yes, we are; I repeat it, we are advocates, we are lawyers, and we have a mighty cause to plead; there are two Gods, the God of heaven, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the spirits of all flesh. These characters are concentrated in the character of our God. The other God is styled the God of this world; the Prince of the power of the air. This God, although a deceiver and the adversary of God, and his inheritance, yet, appearing as an angel of light, has deceived the nations. He began his work of deception in the garden of Eden, and was recompensed by the curse then denounced upon him. He beguiled our general mother, who gave to our father Adam, and he trangressed. An advocate for the arch destroyer, may urge, that possession is a great point gained, and that the enemy of mankind is endowed with the strength of a lion, but as an advocate for God the Saviour, we will undertake to prove, that the lion of the tribe of Judah is infinite in strength, that he is mighty to prevail, even to the bruising the head of this roaring adversary of his inheritance. My opponent may insist, that under the denunciations of the righteous law, God himself will give the greatest part of the human family to that enemy, who hath from the beginning been indefatigably employed to procure their destruction. Producing however, testimonies which it will be impossible to invalidate, I shall prove, incontrovertibly, that this can never be, inasmuch as the Divine Nature hath already made a deed of gift of the fulness of the human nature to his Son, and, that although, while the fiends of darkness continue to work in the hearts of countless individuals, they may, with one voice declare they will not have this man to reign over them. Yet in the day of separation, they shall unite in the grand hallelujah, which shall resound through the universe. These dark spirits, that now work in the hearts of the ransomed of the Lord, shall be separated from those who are redeemed; God himself will make the separation, yea, even as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. God hath reserved those instigators of mischief unto the judginent of the great day, when the curse denounced upon their general head, in the garden of Paradise, shall be completely accomplished. Yes, the world's Saviour shall, at this august period, separate the Devil and his angels, from the individuals of that nature, whom they are hourly stimulating to evil; and, placing himself as a barrier between them, so that they may never again intermingle. The Redeemer of ALL MEN, shall say to these fallen angels, "depart ye 1 cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for you, from before the foundation of the world." Should I, in such a contest obtain a victory, will it not become evident, that there is indeed abundant cause for rejoicing? my very respectable opponent himself will rejoice, all the angels of heaven will rejoice, every faithful individual that dwelleth upon the face of the earth will hymn the praises of the mighty, the redeeming God, in fact, every creature in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that are in them, will, with emancipated spirits and enraptured hearts, unite to swell the grand chorus of never ending praise to Almighty God, and the Lamb who hath redeemed us by his blood. In truth, I know of but one, who will mourn, our adversary; this adversary, who was a murderer from the beginning, will behold with accumulating indignation, the redemption of the human family. The restitution of our nature hath been, and will yet continue to be, the torment of the fallen angelic nature. Already he anticipates this God honouring man, restoring event. He believes, and trembles. Art thou, said a number of these infernals, when our Saviour dispossessed them of a part of his inheritance, "Art thou come to torment us before our time. What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God?" Matthew, viii. 29. We are told the adversary is come down among us, having great wrath, because he knoweth he shall reign but a short time. Blessed be God, his knowledge in this respect is the superstructure of truth. Soliciting your kind forgiveness, for the liberty I have taken to expatiate thus far. I beg leave to adds that I wait the day appointed. A solemn pause ensued; until a gentleman requested Mr. L to name a day, to which he answered, he would have nothing further to do with the business, and the contest of course closed. Many remarks were made, such as, that it could not be matter of wonder Mr. L disliked his client, &c. &c. But, on these I forbear to dwell. I have, to the best of my memory, which is not always tenacious, rendered the account you have so frequently solicited, and I have only to add, that I continue with unalterable affection, your faithful friend. |