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" If it is not proper you must tell me. But I do greatly desire to dwell with you in the fold of Christ. Who do you think are the proper persons to be received into the church ? Those who have repented of their sins, and have obtained new hearts. What is... "
Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in the ... - Page 67
de William Ellis - 1831
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Six Years in ..., Volume 2

William Ellis - 1829 - 610 pages
...signifies his body: and all those who go to Christ, and lean on him, will have their sins washed away hy his blood, and their souls saved for ever in heaven....have, and then again I think I have not. I do not know,—I hope I have a new heart. What makes you hope you have a new heart ? This is the reason why...
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Polynesian Researches, During a Residence of Nearly Six Years in ..., Volume 2

William Ellis - 1829 - 606 pages
...his body : and all those wiio go to Christ, and lean on him, will have their sins washed away by hia blood, and their souls saved for ever in heaven. Why...have, and then again I think I have not. I do not know,~-I hope I have a new heart. What makes you hope you have a new heart ? This is the reason why...
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in ..., Volume 3

William Ellis - 1833 - 324 pages
...poured out on Calvary, in Jerusalem in Judea, to save us sinners. Do we then drink the blood of Christ I No ; but the wine signifies his blood, just as have a new heart ? This is the reason why I hope T have a new heart. The heart I have now is not like the heart I formerly had. The one I have now is...
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Polynesian Researches: During a Residence of Nearly Eight Years in ..., Volume 3

William Ellis - 1833 - 380 pages * Those who have repented of their sins, and hare obtained new hearts. NATIVE TESTIMONY. 59 What is a new heart * It is one which loves God, and...I think I have, and then again I think I have not. 1 do not know, — I hope I have a new heart. What makes you hope you have a new heart ? This is the...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands; Or, The Civil ...

Hiram Bingham - 1847 - 650 pages
..."Those who have repented of their sins, and have obtained new hearts." "What is a new heart?" "One that loves God and loves the Word of God, and does not love sin or sinful ways." After a further season of probation and instruction, he was baptized, and received the Christian name...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Civil ...

Hiram Bingham - 1848 - 642 pages
...Those who have repented of their sins, and have obtained new hearts." "What is a new heart?" "One that loves God and loves the Word of God, and does not love sin or sinful ways." After a further season of probation and instruction, he was baptized, and received the Christian name...
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A Residence of Twenty-one Years in the Sandwich Islands

Hiram Bingham - 1848 - 637 pages
..."Those who have repented of their sins, and have obtained new hearts." "What is a new heart?" "One that loves God and loves the Word of God, and does not love sin or sinful ways." After a further season of probation and instruction, he was baptized, and received the Christian name...
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The Island World of the Pacific: Being ... Travel Through the Sandwich Or ...

Henry Theodore Cheever - 1851 - 382 pages
...have repented of their sins, and obtained new hearts. Q. What is a new heart ? Ans. It is one that loves God, and loves the Word of God, and does not love sin, or sinful ways. Q. Do you think you have obtained a new heart ? Ans. At one time I think I have ; and- then I think...
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Life in the Sandwich Islands: Or, The Heart of the Pacific, as it was and is

Henry Theodore Cheever - 1851 - 346 pages
...their sins, and obtained new hearts. Q. What is a new heart ? Ans. It is one that loves God, and lovee the Word of God, and does not love sin, or sinful ways. Q. Do you think you have obtained a new heart ? Ans. At one time I think I have ; and then I think...
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The Christian Pioneer, Volumes 10 à 14

1856 - 790 pages
...who have repented of their sins, and obtained new hearts.' ' What is a new heart ?' * It is one that loves God, and loves the Word of God, and does heart ?' ' At one time I think I have ; and then I think again, and think I have not. I do not know. God knows. I hope I have a new heart.' ' What makes...
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