A popular and complete English dictionary, Volume 1

John Boag
William Collins, South Frederick St., Glasgow: Paternoster Row, London.., 1848 - 761 pages

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Page 22 - When I look upon the tombs of the great, every emotion of envy dies in me ; when I read the epitaphs of the beautiful, every inordinate desire goes out; when I meet with the grief of parents upon a tomb-stone, my heart melts with compassion ; when I see the tomb of the parents themselves, I consider the vanity of grieving for those whom we must quickly follow...
Page 23 - I was here airing myself on the tops of the mountains, I fell into a profound contemplation on the vanity of human life; and passing from one thought to another, Surely, said I, man is but a shadow and life a dream.
Page 22 - There's not a wretch that lives on common charity But's happier than me: for I have known The luscious sweets of plenty; every night Have slept with soft content about my head, And never waked but to a joyful morning; Yet now must fall like a full ear of corn, Whose blossom scaped, yet's withered in the ripening.
Page 32 - I have found out a gift for my fair : I have found where the wood-pigeons breed But let me that plunder forbear. She will say 'twas a barbarous deed : For he ne'er could be true, she averred, Who could rob a poor bird of its young; And I loved her the more when I heard Such tenderness fall from her tongue.
Page 26 - Boastful and rough, your first son is a 'squire ; The next a tradesman, meek, and much a liar ; Tom struts a soldier, open, bold, and brave ; "Will sneaks a scrivener, an exceeding knave.
Page 315 - Tenant by the curtesy of England, is where a man marries a woman seised of an estate of inheritance, that is of lands and tenements in fee-simple or fee-tail; and has by her issue, born alive, which was capable of inheriting her estate. In this case, he shall, on the death of his wife, hold the lands for his life, as tenant by the curtesy of England.
Page 22 - Now among us, many clergymen act so directly contrary to this method, that from a habit of saving time and paper, which they acquired at the University, they write in so diminutive a manner, with such frequent blots and interlineations, that they are hardly able to go on without perpetual...
Page 10 - The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water; therefore leave off contention, before it be meddled with.
Page 32 - An event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation ; an event that proceeds from an unknown cause, or is an unusual effect of a known cause, and therefore not expected ; chance, casualty, contingency.
Page 30 - God and man by acquiring an humble trust in the mercy and favour of God through Jesus Christ by cultivating our minds and properly employing our time and thoughts by governing our passions and our temper by correcting all unreasonable expectations from the world and from men and in the midst of worldly business habituating ourselves to calm retreat and serious recollection by such means as these it may be hoped that through the Divine blessing our...

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