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" Seek ye the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near... "
The Christian guardian (and Church of England magazine). - Page 263
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The Savoy liturgy

Peter Hall - 1661 - 176 pages
...faithful to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Seek the 1 isa. iv. 6, 7. Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near : let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts ; and let him return unto the...
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The Life of Faith: In Three Parts. The First is a Sermon on Heb. 11.1 ...

Richard Baxter - 1670 - 630 pages
...hear and your foul (hall live, and I will make an cverlifting covenant with you— v. 6. Seek ye the Lord while he may be found ; call upon him while he is near — Kfv. Z2. 17- Let him that rt athirft come > and whofocn» will, let him tike the water of life...
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The Christian institutes, or, The sincere word of God, a plain account of ...

Francis Gastrell (bp. of Chester) - 1717 - 352 pages
...our Supph'cations before thee, O God, for our Rightcoufneftes, but for thy great Mercies. f Seek the Lord , while he may be found, call upon him while he is near, For the Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him ; to all that call upon him in Truth. B It is...
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An Exhortation to the Inhabitants of the Province of South-Carolina: To ...

Sophia Hume - 1752 - 166 pages carekjs Ones ; caft your Idols from you, and look unto the Rock and holy One of Ifrael ; feek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is. near; let the Wicked Jorfake his Ways, and the unrighteous tyan his thoughts, and turn unto the Lord, and...
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A Friendly Epistle to the Deists: And a Rational Prayer Recommended to Them ...

Edward Goldney - 1760 - 192 pages
...with you not to wander any longer in the ftupid, wild, ridiculous mazes of infidelity, " but feek the Lord " while he may be found ; call upon him while he is " near," Ifa. Iv. 6. Labour to procure the knowledge of God's will, and to obtain his grace and favour. Search...
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A Sermon on the Much Lamented Death of John Winter, Esq., who Departed this ...

Richard Winter - 1776 - 40 pages would be in foine fuch language as this, " Weep " not for me ; weep for yourfeives. Seek the tf Lord while he may be found ; call upon him " while he is near. If you feek Chrift early, you " fliall find him." Sorrow now fills your heart; may you be made forry...
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Sermons: Volume the third, Volume 2

Hugh Blair - 1790 - 458 pages yet to be gracious ; whether he will wait longer, none of us can tell. Now, therefore, feek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him 'while he is near. Our fpiritual interefts will be E 4 heft . 56 On the Improvement of SER M. beft promoted by regular...
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The Solemn Warnings of the Dead: Or, An Admonition to Unconverted Sinners ...

Joseph Alleine - 1793 - 224 pages
...! " Repent arid *' be converted," fo none cfuhis fhall come upon thee, Ifa. Iv. 6, 7. " Seek ye the Lord while he ' may be found ; call upon him while he is near : ' Let the wicked forfake his way, and the unrighte• ous irian his thoughts ; let him return unto...
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Sermons on Practical Subjects, Volume 2

Robert Walker, Hugh Blair - 1796 - 472 pages both in heaven and on earth ? For the Lord's fake, confider your ways, and be wife ; " feek the Lord " while he may be found, call upon him " while he is near." The great enemy of your fouls will probably fuggeft to you, that if you comply with this exhortation,...
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Village sermons

George Burder - 1835 - 654 pages you from the Scriptures, "now is the accepted time ; now is the day of salvation !" " Oh seek the Lord while he may be found ! call upon him while he is near !" You have heard that Jesus Christ is the ever blessed God : be assured then, from the gracious character...
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