An American Dictionary of the English Language: Exhibiting the Origin, Orthography, Pronunciation, and Definitions of WordsHarper & Brothers, 1848 - 1265 pages |
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Page 1
... civil law . AB - ALTEN - A - TED , pp . Transferred from one to another . other . ABA Transferring from one to an- AB - AL - IEN - ATION ( ab - ale - yen - a'shun ) , n . The transferring of title to property . See ALIENATION . A - BAND ...
... civil law . AB - ALTEN - A - TED , pp . Transferred from one to another . other . ABA Transferring from one to an- AB - AL - IEN - ATION ( ab - ale - yen - a'shun ) , n . The transferring of title to property . See ALIENATION . A - BAND ...
Page 3
... Civil or le- gal power ; the power or right to do certain things . It is opposed to disability . Cyc . - SYN . Capacity ; talent ; fac- ulty ; capability ; efficiency ; aptitude ; aptness ; address ; dexterity : skill . AB IN - PTI - O ...
... Civil or le- gal power ; the power or right to do certain things . It is opposed to disability . Cyc . - SYN . Capacity ; talent ; fac- ulty ; capability ; efficiency ; aptitude ; aptness ; address ; dexterity : skill . AB IN - PTI - O ...
Page 5
... civil law , an acquittal or sen- tence of a judge declaring the accused person innocent.- 2. In the canon law , a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in favor of a penitent . - 3 . Among Protestants , a sentence by which an ...
... civil law , an acquittal or sen- tence of a judge declaring the accused person innocent.- 2. In the canon law , a remission of sins pronounced by a priest in favor of a penitent . - 3 . Among Protestants , a sentence by which an ...
Page 13
... civil courts or causes . ACTRESS , π . A female who acts or performs , and espe- cially on the stage or in a play . ACTU - AL , a . [ Fr. actuel . ] 1. Real or effective , or that ex- ists truly and absolutely . 2. Existing in act ...
... civil courts or causes . ACTRESS , π . A female who acts or performs , and espe- cially on the stage or in a play . ACTU - AL , a . [ Fr. actuel . ] 1. Real or effective , or that ex- ists truly and absolutely . 2. Existing in act ...
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... civil law , the revoca- tion of a grant , donation , or the like . AD - EN - OGRA - PHY , n . [ Gr . αδην and γραφω . ] That part of anatomy which treats of the glands . ADEN - OID . a . [ Gr . αδην and ειδος . ] In the form of a gland ...
... civil law , the revoca- tion of a grant , donation , or the like . AD - EN - OGRA - PHY , n . [ Gr . αδην and γραφω . ] That part of anatomy which treats of the glands . ADEN - OID . a . [ Gr . αδην and ειδος . ] In the form of a gland ...
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
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An American Dictionary of the English Language: Exhibiting the Origin ... Noah Webster Affichage du livre entier - 1844 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
acid action ancient animal architecture arms bear beat Belonging Ben Jonson birds blood body botany called cause church chyle close cloth color common compound consisting containing contract corrupt costive court cover crustacea denotes deprive disease dress England English fasten figure fish flowers furnished genus genus of plants give heat hence heraldry horse inclosed instrument iron kind land language liquor Literally Little manner mass medicine ment metal mind mineral motion move natural ness one's opposed opposition oxyd person Pertaining piece pret produced quadruped resembling Roman Roman Catholic Church round Scots law sense Shak ship side sound species substance tain term applied thing tion tree unite v. t. Fr v. t. L v. t. Sax vessel wind wood word αντι