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construe Elizabeth's reception of Mary in England, when flying from the disastrous battle of Langside.

"Mr. Upton considered Florimel another personification of Mary, on account of the mode of her escape from the monster created by the witch.

"A little bote lay hoving her before,

In which there slept a fisher old and poore,
The whiles his nets were drying on the sand:
Into the same she leapt, and with the oar
Did thrust the shallop from the floting strand:

So safety found at sea, which she found not at land.'

Supposing this to be an allusion to Mary's escape in a fisherman's boat to Workington, in Cumberland, after her flight from Langside. But the other circumstances in the adventures of Florimel, her imprisonment by Proteus, her love for Marinel, the lord of the Rich Strond,' who was overthrown by Britomartis, points rather to the unfortunate Lady Catherine Grey, who was imprisoned for having married Seymour, Earl of Hertford, one of the richest peers in England, and who was, with his wife, so barbarously treated by Elizabeth.

"The trial and execution of Mary Queen of Scots is alluded to in the trial of Duessa, who is also a personi fication of the Roman Catholic religion, and appropriated to Mary, as the head of that party in England.

"Prince Arthur is stated by Spenser to be a personification of Magnificence, which virtue, for that (according to Aristotle and the rest) it is the perfection of all the rest, and containeth in it them all; therefore in the whole course I mention the deeds of Arthur applyable to that virtue, which I write of in that book, but of twelve other virtues I make twelve other knights patrons, for the more variety of the history.'

"Arthur's adventures would, therefore, have been carried through the twelve books, and would have concluded with his finding the Faëry Queen: and from the sonnet of Spenser, prefixed to the first edition of the first three books of the poem, it is clearly pointed out that Prince Arthur is to be a personification of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex.

"To the most honourable and excellent Lord, the
Earl of Essex, &c. &c.

"Magnificke Lord, whose virtues excellent
Do merit a most famous poet's witt,
To be thy living praise's instrument;
Yet do not sdeigne to let thy name be writ
In this base poem, for thee far unfit:
Nought is thy worth disparaged thereby.
But when my muse, whose feathers nothing flitt,
Do yet but flag, and lowly learn to fly,
With bolder wing shall dare aloft to sty
To the last praises of this Faëry Queen,
Then shall it make most famous memory
Of thine heroick parts, such as they been;
Till then, vouchsafe thy noble countenance

To these first labours' needed furtherance.'

"Mr. Upton supposes that Guyon was intended for Essex, from the frequent mention of Guyon's golden sell (saddle), which he thought alluded Essex being master

of the horse; but to say nothing of the ludicrous inter

positeness of the master of the horse losing his steed at the commencement of his journey, and having to perform his adventure on foot, as is the case with Guyon, Guyon's adventures are the subject of one of the books to which the above sonnet was prefixed.

"There can be little doubt that Mr. Upton is right in supposing that the adventure of Guyon has reference to the assistance afforded by Elizabeth to Tir Oen, or O'Neale, whose cognizance was the bloody hand (the

child Ruddymane); but this brings us to the Earl of Sussex's government of Ireland, and the Palmer, instead of being Whitgift, as supposed by Mr. Upton, is probably Sir Henry Sidney, who acted with and for Sussex, and afterwards succeeded him in that government, and may very probably have been of great service to him therein.

"If Sir Samuel Meyrick be right in appropriating a suit of armour in the horse armoury of the Tower to the Earl of Essex, there is a singular coincidence with Spenser's description of Prince Arthur, as wearing 'athwart his breast a bauldrick brave.'

""And in the midst thereof one pretious stone
Of wondrous worth, and eke of wondrous might,
Shap't like a ladies head (Gloriana's).'

"The suit of armour has the head of Elizabeth engraven on the breast-plate.

"The character of Arthur is enriched with many of the achievements of the English power as a state; the defeat of the armada, in his contest with the Soldan; the rescue of the Netherlands from Spain, in the destruction of Gerioneo and his Seneschal, and the reinstatement of

Belgè. This last circumstance led Mr. Upton to appropriate the character to the Earl of Leicester, who assumed a prominent part in the Belgic campaign; but his total want of success in the enterprise, together with other circumstances in Arthur's career, clearly shows this to be a mistake: one, however, in which he has been unhesitatingly followed by all persons who have touched upon the subject of the allusions in the poem."

Royal Institution, Liverpool.



(3rd S. iii. 486; iv. 31, 76.)

In a late number of "N. & Q." some statements have been somewhat incautiously hazarded in reference to a family which became afterwards so remarkable from the rise and fall of the celebrated financier of last century, and from the talent and military ability in the present one of the late Marquis de Lauriston, Marshal of France. It is asserted that the founder of the family was not, properly speaking, a tradesman; that Lauriston was a large, not a small, estate; and that the mansion-house was of such a size - so commodious and elegant-that it accommodated the late lamented Earl of Eglinton and his family.

There seems now-a-days to exist a horror at any supposed descent from an honest tradesman; why, it is not very easy to conceive. Whatever may be the impression at present about the vulgarity of trade, it was otherwise in the northern capital and principal towns of Scotland until a comparatively recent period. So far from being considered as derogatory to the scion of a welldescended family, it was no very uncommon occurrence for cadets even of nobility to betake themselves to business, not as wholesale dealers or merchants in the English sense, but as retail dealers, commonly called shopkeepers.

Whether William Law was descended from clerical magnates or landed proprietors, we are not prepared to say; but this much can be positively asserted, -that he followed the trade of a goldsmith, in the literal sense of the word, for there has been, singularly enough, preserved a regular shop bill, made out in the usual form, such as is used in the present day. It was found amongst the papers of James Anderson, the Editor of the Diplomata Scotia, who for many years was a well-employed agent in Edinburgh, and who was, moreover, a writer to the Signet - a profession more limited in number than it is at present. The debtor was a relation of his own, it is believed, of the name of Pringle. Mr. Anderson was also the man of business-at all events, after the death of Mr. Law, of his widow, the "Lady Lauriston," a title applied to the proprietrix of ix of any landed estate, whether of large small dimensions. There is before me at this moment a discharge, dated in 1699, prepared by him as agent for the lady, of a portion of a larger sum due to her, and signed by "Jean Campbell," therein designated "Relict of the deceast William Law, Goldsmith, Burgess of Edinburgh." Mr. Anderson's papers had remained unmolested for nearly one hundred and fifty years, when they were discovered in a room which had been occupied by him as an office before he left Edinburgh for London, where he died.


The account is in the following terms, and it is presumed will at once verify the assertion that whatever Mr. Law might have done as a banker, he did follow the ordinary occupation of a gold


this magnificent estate consisted of 180 acres of land. This assertion we verify by a reference to the Life of the Financier by the late John Philip Wood, Esq., a very accurate as well as interesting biography. He says:

"This property, extending to upwards of 180 Scotch acres, stretching along the south shore of the Frith of Forth, in the parish of Cramond and county of Edinburgh, was acquired by him from Margaret Dalgliesh, only child and heiress of Robert Dalgliesh of Lauriston." P. 2.

It may be noticed, in passing, that Mr. Wood, from his connection with Cramond, and from his having given an excellent topographical account of the parish, was not a likely person to make any mistake on this subject.

Then comes the magnificent mansion which accommodated Lord Eglinton, and which we may mention was also occupied by his Grace of Sutherland. As it existed recently, it was a first-class edifice; since the dismemberment of the lands it has fallen into disrepair.

What it was while in possession of the descendants of William Law is another affair; and a peep into the topographical account just mentioned shows exactly what sort of place it was; for there will be found an engraving of the edifice as it existed at the end of last century. It presents the appearance of a tall single house, surrounded by a low wall, but not presenting much appearance of comfort from the want of trees. It was such a domicile as might suit a respectable Edinburgh burgess or small landed proprietor, but assuredly not such an edifice as dukes and earls would condescend to occupy even for a limited period. The present writer has seen it hundreds of times, and can speak as to the general accuracy of the engraving, in which, if there exist any defect, it is because the print is a little more embellished by the engraver than was necessary; however, its historical connection 03 06 00 with John Law always gave it an interest, which does not attach to the present palatial residence. Even the Financier, if he were now alive, would have been as much amazed at the extraordinary metamorphose of his mother's house as the Sultan was in the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, when his attention was directed to the building his sonin-law, Aladdin, had caused to be erected for the reception of the fair Badroubadour.

"Dauid Pringill, his accompt to William Law. Febriuar, 1679.

Item, for dresing a wach keey
Itm, resting for the seting of a ring to the

Ladie Barbarklly (Barclay?)

Itm for a plaine howp

drop at 3 ponds 10 sh. the unce is

Itm, a dwsane flowrd Spuns, 24 unce 13

Itm, for a Shewgar Castor, 10 unce 19 drop at 3 pond 12 sh. the unce

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03 00 00

05 08 00

86 16 00

38 10 00

136 14 00

111 00 00

Rests 025 14 00

"Received full and compleit payment of the above writen accompt, and of all accompts and reckonings what-soever preceding this two and twentie day of Janwer on thousand six hundher and seventie nine yeiris. "WILLIAM LAW."

The_next assertion as to the extensive nature of the Lauriston estate can be as easily disposed of. Lauriston was bought by William Law, and he and Mrs. Law were jointly infeft therein. The fee was in the son John, but his mother, as her husband predeceased her, had the liferent. Now

The story of this change is curious enough. Mrs. Law was a prudent and careful woman. She had the liferent of Lauriston, and by a family arrangement, the lands, passing by John, who is said to have renounced his right, were secured to the next son. How this was brought about cannot exactly be ascertained. The lands were saved, and Lauriston continued in the family of Law until the downfall of Napoleon. It had long been an object to the proprietors of the estate of Barnton to add this small property to their large

domain, but they had never been able to manage it. They perhaps were doubtful about the title to sell, as it was generally believed the possessor was an alien; though held apparently by a gentleman of the name of Law, who voted as a freeholder before the Reform Bill, the general belief was that he was merely a trustee for that distinguished person better known as Marquis de Lauriston. The old house was occupied by the farmer, who used to let a portion of it in the summer time for the use of bathers.

After matters had been settled on the Continent by the removal of Napoleon to St. Helena, one fine day the good folks of Edinburgh were astonished to learn that Mr. Thomas Allan, a gentleman well known in that fair city, a private banker, who owned the Mercury newspaper, had become Laird of Lauriston. He had visited France, and had succeeded in persuading the Marquis, as was understood, to part with the " old place." Mr. Allan instantly set about improving the mansion house, and certainly did so at a vast sacrifice of money. He very judiciously retained the old "peel," but made sundry important additions; in particular, he constructed a drawing room and library of such singular beauty as (so the writer is informed) to astonish all beholders. Conservatories, hothouses, and gardens were in the first style. In short, it had assumed the appearance of a nobleman's seat when, Mr. Allan dying, his son (recently deceased) took his place, but did not keep it long, as, having got into difficulties, Lauriston passed to the late Lord Advocate, Rutherfurd, who.completed what his predecessors had left unfinished. The library was furnished with books of great value and costly binding; the showrooms splendidly fitted up and adorned with the choicest old China and valuable articles of virtù. Everything was in keeping, and a more desirable residence for a man of fortune could hardly be desired.


The Lord Advocate subsequently accepted a judgeship, and took his seat on the bench as paper" lord by the title of Rutherfurd, for so these distinguished persons used to be called in their native county - where he did not long remain, for, to the great regret of his friends, and assuredly to the serious loss of the county, he was removed from this world to a better in December, 1854. He had his foibles, but was withall a worthy gentleman, and one of the best judges that in recent times have held the appointment of a Senator of the College of Justice.

After Lord Rutherfurd's death, the Lauriston estate was disposed of, as well as his fine library, plate, china, and articles of virtù. The Barnton trustees got a small slice immediately adjoining the property held by them. But Mr. Halket Craigie, the heir of Lady Torphichen - the only surviving daughter of Sir John Inglis of Cramond,

Bart. - became purchaser of the rest. He has, it is understood, recently sold the mansion house, and about twenty or thirty acres of land surrounding it, to the lady who now resides there.

To return to Mrs. Jean Campbell, the Lady Lauriston: her relationship with the ducal house of Argyle is still asserted, and it is said that the duke called her son his cousin, or something of that kind. Now really, if this sort of recognition - if indeed anything of the kind really occurred-could be taken as evidence, the Campbells would have the most extensive set of relations in the world. The great Maccallum More prided himself on being cousin of the whole clan of Campbell, and no doubt would be very happy to call the Financier, or any of the Laws, cousins. This is all very fine; but where is there any proof at all of relationship? Mrs. Law required no such connection to do her honour. She was respected by all her acquaintance, and deserved to be so, for it was through her that the small family estate was preserved in the family. Looking over some notes of an eminent genealogist now deceased, there occurred a notice of her interment in the Grey Friars' Churchyard, from which we learn that she had a hearse and eight mourning coaches.

In our previous communication we noticed the marriage of Jean Law, and the proceedings adopted by her brothers to secure implement of the provisions in favour of the children of the marriage. Her father-in-law, we have since ascertained, was the translator of a singular little rare volume entitled the Royal Physician, or the Perfect Charitable Physician, divided in three parts, &c. &c. The author was "Charles de Saint Germain, Esquire, Doctor of Physic, Counsellour and Physician in Ordinar to the King of France." Edinburgh: Printed by John Reid, 1689. 18mo. Mr. Hay dedicates the book to Anne Countess of Errol, whom he eulogises as a matter of course, and compliments her on her descent "from one of the most noble and ancient families of the kingdom, albeit not royal, yet from it have proceeded ten that have swayed the scepter over Scotland and Great Britain." This, he explains, means Arabella Drummond, "who was mother to King James the First." Lady Errol was a daughter of James, third Earl of Perth. J. M.


(3rd S. iv. 98.)

The clever jeu d'esprit from which CAIUS quotes is none other than The Oxford Spy, of which, after four numbers had been published in the spring of 1818, the fifth and last appeared in 1819.

From the opening lines, it is clear that the occasion when

"Shuddring Scouts forgot to cap the Dean,"

was not a fire, but the overthrow of the leaden statue of Mercury, which occupied a pedestal in the centre of the piece of water in "Tom Quad."


Alas! they see

But the void space, where Mercury should be;
And what, though to and fro some Tutor runs,
To vent his sorrow in a string of puns,
Though Graduates, Undergraduates, loud and long,
Prove that the deed was wrong, - was very wrong,-
Yet there, with drooping mien, a silent band,
Canon and Bedmaker together stand:
Grief levels and unites them; common grief,
That seeks in mutual sympathy relief;
Pride, rank, distinction were not then confest;
One master-feeling quite absorb'd the rest:
In equal horror all alike were seen,
And shudd'ring Scouts forgot to cap the Dean."
Such was 'the scene at Christ Church, and the

occasion is distinctly indicated as being, -
"If wits aright their tale of terror tell,
A little after great Mercurius fell."

It is indeed a significant evidence of the lapse of time that The Oxford Spy - the glory of my freshman's days-should now be dubiously quoted as a mere clever jeu d'esprit. But, leaving that, I will venture to solicit space for the insertion of some lines by Boone which appeared in Michaelmas Term, 1818, as a tribute to the memory of Thomas Holden Ormerod, of New College, who, having gained the prizes for Latin and English verse in Easter term on "Titus Hierosolymam expugnans," and on the "Coliseum," died from the effects of over-exertion in a pedestrian tour through Wales in the Long Vacation. The lines are so much above par as to deserve being rescued from the precarious existence of a newspaper


Lines on the Commencement of Term, Michaelmas, 1818.
By James Shergold Boone.
"How careless meets our little world again!
Sad only that such meeting comes so fast:
And whether more of pleasure or of pain
Hath o'er the idle interval been cast

Is equal now:-the motley crowd throngs past:
Some whose first wond'ring gaze these scenes engage,
Some who with calmer feelings look their last,

And quit the precincts of life's happier age To play a busier part upon a wider stage. "And some are gone for ever:-where is he

Happy in well-earn'd fame so lately seen?
Now taught, alas! how quick the loss may be
Of all which loveliest in our life hath been!
He snatch'd the cup of honour, and between
None came to dash it from him, as he quaff'd
That cup so sweetly, smilingly serene.
And then, e'en then, Death hover'd near and laugh'd,
As if there lurk'd beneath some poison in the draught.
"They say, in spirit, free and frank he shone;

And warm in heart:- both now are quell'd and


[blocks in formation]

Wit, talents, beauty, strength, lie with him in the grave.

"They say a mother gazed upon that youth

With most maternal fondness, and would pray
That, turning all her dearest hopes to truth,
His rising honours might her cares repay;
And, ever strengthening, shed a brighter ray
To warm the frost of her declining soul,
And gild its darkness.-Ye vain thoughts, away;
Those fond desires shall never reach their goal,
But cheerless to their end her wintry years must roll.

"Yet died he as the wise might wish to die

With his fresh fame upon him; while the dear,
Th' approving smile of friendship met his eye,
The voice of gratulation soothed his ear.
We may die otherwise; our dim career
May rise and set in darkness, or may give

Some partial gleams that leave the rest more drear.
And oh! 't is sad this darkness to survive,

And die when nought remains for which 'twere well to


Without discussing the question whether ("in the pride of a man of genius") Boone, then a young man, with only his university reputation,

was to be commended in his refusal of the invi-
tation of Canning, a minister of state, to call upon

circumstances of the invitation, - I will merely
add an incident with which his examination closed
in the schools, as indicative of the same spirit. He

- for this must depend on the terms and

had, in 1817, won one of the first University scholarships which had been open to competition Charles Gray Round, of Balliol (sometime M.P. (the Craven), after a very close contest with for Essex); he was the principal celebrity of his day, yet he went up only for "a pass," taking up the minimum of books. He did pass, as he could not fail to do, and was addressed, at the close of his vivâ voce, by Cardwell, the senior examiner, with an expression of regret that a gentleman who had carried off an University scholarship in such brilliant style, and gained University prizes, should have sunk so low at the examination for his degree. Boone immediately left the schools, and, crossing to Brazennose, called on Dr. Hodgson, the then Vice-Chancellor, to tender the immediate resignation of his scholarship, which, he said, he had not understood to carry with it an obligation to stand for a class. The Vice-Chancellor declined to accept the resignation, saying the scholars were as free as other men as to their final examinations.

These are circumstances which, as well as his declining the invitation of Mr. Canning, may, perhaps, betoken "the pride of genius," but

which the friends of genius may possibly be permitted to regret.

I have somewhere some other verses by Mr. Boone, on "The Death of the Marquis of Tichfield," with which I may trouble you.

"The Welcome of Isis," a poem occasioned by the Duke of Wellington's (expected but postponed) visit to Oxford, published in 1820, was attributed to Boone.

"A Letter to The Oxford Spy from the Bigwig's Friend," appeared in 1818, commencing "Enough! - too long thy frothy strain has rung; Restrain the clamours of thy envious tongue," &c. It was attributed to Lord Porchester.

Y. B. N. J.


(3rd S. iv. 108-9.)

The magical mirrors used by Dr. Dee in his supposed intercourse with spirits being inquired after, I give the following description of one of the most authentic.

with Spirits. In this journal more than one magical mirror is spoken of; but from the loose description there given, cannot be identified.

For the curious in occult sciences, I add the titles of some rare folio works on this subject, which were in the late Lord Londesborough's library.

"Varia Curiosa." An astrological work, illustrated. MS. 16 cent. "Lemegeton." Clavicula Salomonis Rex, or the names of all the spirits he had converse with, &c. Diagrams. MS. 16 cent.

"Liber de Metallis et Lapidibus." 1377. MS. 14 cent. "Ars Generalis." With diagrams. 1308. MS. 14 cent. Trithemii, "Liber Experimentorum." The Book of

Secrets, &c. MS. 16 cent.

[blocks in formation]

Cornelius Agrippa, "De Occultâ Philosophia." Printed 1521.

Johannes d'Espargnet, "Der Hermetischen Philosophie." Leipsig, 1685.

"Dr. Lee's Actions with Spirits," by Meric Casaubon. London, 1659. Patrick Ruthven's Alchemical Manuscripts, or Com

the 17 cent.

This magical speculum of Dr. Dee is composed of a flat black stone of very close texture, with a highly polished surface, half an inch in thickness, mon-place Book, in his own handwriting. Beginning of and seven inches and a quarter in diameter; of a circular form, except at the top, where there is a sort of loop with a hole for suspension. It came from Strawberry Hill; and Horace Walpole has attached a statement of its history in his own handwriting on the back of the original leather case, in which it has been preserved :

"The black stone into which Dr. Dee used to call his spirits, v. his book. This stone was mentioned in the Catalogue of the collection of the Mordaunts, Earls of Peterborough, and passed into the hands of Lady Elizabeth Germaine; from whom it went to John Campbell, Duke of Argyll, whose son, Lord Frederick Campbell, presented it to H. W."

At the Strawberry Hill sale it was purchased by Mr. Smythe Pigott; and at the sale of that gentleman's library in 1853, it passed into the possession of the late Lord Londesborough.

Edward Kelly was Dr. Dee's associate, and it is believed that Butler alluded to this very stone in the well-known lines:

"Kelly did all his feats upon

The Devil's looking-glass, a stone,
When playing with him at bo-peep,
He solved all problems ne'er so deep."

Hudibras, Part 11. Canto 3.

During Dr. Dee's connection with his skyrer Kelly (whose business it was to look into the speculum, and describe what he there saw), he kept an exact diary of all the visions, with the names of the spirits of the unknown world who answered to his call; many of these were subsequently published in a folio volume, by Dr. Meric Casaubon, in 1659, under the title of Dr. Dee's Actions

" De Magorum Dæmonomania." Strasburg, 1591. W. C.

The writers of the Queries on Magic Crystals may like to have an account of, or may be able to tell me something that I do not know about, one that I have in my possession.

It is a lens of rock crystal, quite round, almost three inches in diameter and 1.1 inches thick in the centre. There is an old and not entirely legible paper with it, which describes it as a "Druidical magic Plentz, or mirror of the deviner's cell, belonging to the Arch Druid: from a barrow in the plain of Stonehenge, in all accounts the finest known; formerly the property of Edward Jones, bard to George the Third. This magic Plentz is also used by the Arch Druid in the


[blocks in formation]

I believe that nearly all the magic crystals that are known are made of quartz, either clear and colourless, as rock crystal, or wine-yellow, as cairngoram. Aubrey, however, mentions one made of chrysoberyl (probably meaning beryl, as the other is not only rare but very difficult to work), which was very likely only a noble-coloured cairngoram.

About this "Druidical Plentz," I suppose its magical properties were only the use of it as a sun-glass, and its magnifying powers; both things astonishing to, in one sense only, our blue forefathers.

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