The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly Political and Literary Censor, Volume 6

Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster-Row, 1800

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Page 267 - The necessity of order and discipline in an army is the only thing which can give it countenance, and therefore it ought not to be permitted in time of peace, when the King's Courts are open for all persons to receive justice according to the laws of the land.
Page 544 - IT is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money, of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.
Page 124 - Therefore, ye mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus saith the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers...
Page 534 - Washingtonian administration for eight years, it is a subject of the greatest astonishment, that a single individual should have cankered the principles of republicanism in an enlightened people, just emerged from the gulf of despotism, and should have carried his designs against the public liberty so far, as to have put in jeopardy its very existence. Such however are the facts, and with these staring us in the face, this day ought to be a jubilee in the United States.
Page 112 - Him with her loved society; that now, As with new wine intoxicated both, They swim in mirth, and fancy that they feel Divinity within them breeding wings, Wherewith to scorn the earth...
Page 372 - I, AB, do declare and believe, that it is not lawful upon any pretence whatsoever to take arms against the king, and that I do abhor that traitorous position of taking arms by his authority against his person or against those that are commissioned by him : So help me God.
Page 336 - The History of the Anglo-Saxons from their first appearance above the Elbe to the Death of Egbert,' with a map of their ancient territory.
Page 241 - a fhout, faying, it is the voice of a God, and not of a man, «' And immediately the angel of the Lord fmote him, becaufe " he gave not God the glory : and he was eaten of worms, and
Page 401 - I could not help doubting the fad, that it is practicable to reflore withered limbs, thus circumflanced, to perfect ufe. This is effected, they fay, though not without great labour, and fome pain, by means of long continued friction, before a large fire, with a certain ointment which "they compound.
Page 122 - And it came to pass, when the priests that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD were come up out of the midst of Jordan, and the soles of the priests...

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