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Livres Livres
" It is the generous Spirit, who, when brought Among the tasks of real life, hath wrought Upon the plan that pleased his boyish thought: Whose high endeavours are an inward light That makes the path before him always bright... "
A Practical Grammar of the English Language - Page 221
de Noble Butler - 1846 - 254 pages
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volume 214

1911 - 518 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought. Whose high endeavours arejan inward light That make the path before him always bright ; Who, with a natural...What knowledge can perform, is diligent to learn. Who comprehends his trust, and to the same Keeps faithful with a singleness of aim ; And therefore...
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Poems,: In Two Volumes,

William Wordsworth - 1807 - 180 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thoughu Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural...diligent to learn.; Abides by this resolve, and stops hot there, iBut makes his moral being his prime care; Who, doom'd to go in company with Pain, And Fear,...
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Poems, in Two Volumes,

William Wordsworth - 1807 - 358 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought : Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : • Who, with...natural instinct to discern What knowledge can perform, is-diligentto learn ; Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime...
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Poems by William Wordsworth: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the ..., Volume 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 412 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought : Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural...resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train !...
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Poems, Volume 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 416 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought : Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural...resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train !...
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The Christian Disciple and Theological Review

Noah Worcester, Henry Ware - 1822 - 506 pages
...Upon the plan which pleased his childish thought : Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural...discern What knowledge can perform, is diligent to leam ; Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being bis prime care ; Who,...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Volume 4

William Wordsworth - 1827 - 418 pages
...Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought : Whose high endeavours are an inward light That make the path before him always bright : Who, with a natural...resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train !...
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The British poets of the nineteenth century, including the select works of ...

British poets - 1828 - 838 pages
...his childish thought ; Whose high endeavours arc an inward lirhl That make the path before him alwavs en frontlets with elastic springs; No female eye the...self so natural as these Such are their arts, but their. But niaken his moral being his primr rare; Who, doom'd to go in company with Pmia. And Fear,...
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The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Volume 3

William Wordsworth - 1832 - 378 pages
...real life, hath wrought Upon the plan that pleased his childish thought : f 2 Whose high endeavours are an inward light That makes the path before him...resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train !...
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Annual Meeting: Proceedings, Constitution, List of Active Members, and Addresses

American Institute of Instruction - 1836 - 332 pages
...before him always bright; Who fixes good on good alone, and owes To virtue every triumph that he knows, Who with a natural instinct to discern What knowledge...Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes their moral being his prime care. This, it seems to me, is the ideal of what a teacher should be, and...
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