grace. Opportunities of speaking to them apart have not been very numerous; but the Lord has given me one with each of them. I do not think they will find sin quite so easy as they have done. 16th. We had a good wind to-day, and especially towards night, of which we thought we would make use by sailing all night; a thing we never dared attempt before, in consequence of reefs and shoals. In the middle of the night the vessel went ashore on the point of a reef: she ran over the reef a short distance; and before all the sails were down, we found her in a basin, just large enough for her to anchor in. The next morning we found ourselves completely enclosed with reefs and shoals; but we got out without injury, for which I praised God. 18th. This morning we had a light breeze, and did not expect to see home to-day. About ten o'clock, however, a fine breeze sprang up, which brought us safe to Viwa by four. I found my dear wife well. Mr. and Mrs. Jagger had remained at Viwa the whole of the time I had been away: this was exceedingly kind, and is, indeed, characteristic of them both. Namozemalua was gone in search of me to Kahiraki, and all were much alarmed, lest some evil had happened to me. Praised be God, I am now safe at home again, in better health, both in body and soul, than when I set out. How wonderful are the ways of Providence with respect to Feejee! Mr. Spinney was appointed to labour here, but died before he entered the field: then Mr. Waterhouse was sent to us, and we received him as a messenger from God, and rejoiced in him as in a father; but how soon was our Elijah taken from us! Our eyes were then fixed on Mr. Cross, to whom we were all united in strong affection, and whose wisdom and experience seemed a stay to us; but, alas! he too is taken from us. What can we do? We look at one another, and sigh and pray, Lord, help us! We have now no head, we are all alike young and inexperienced. We are but five in number, and three of us have been much afflicted at times during the past year or two. Surely the Committee will pity us, and send us out a Chairman, and an additional helper. us. We cannot think that the determination of the Committee to send out no more Missionaries at present applies to Nay, dear fathers and brethren, remember that the Lord has taken three from us, (nay, I may say four, for Mr. Waterhouse was as one,) since the commencement of the Mission, and you have only sent us out one since we came. We have not yet seven, our old specified number. DEATH OF MISSIONARIES. THE REV. WILLIAM Cross and the REV. DAVID CARGILL, M.A.By late communications from the Feejee and Friendly Islands, we have received the afflictive intelligence of the death of these two experienced Missionaries. Mr. Cross died at Somosomo, Feejee, October 5th, 1842; Mr. Cargill, at Vavou, Friendly Islands, April 25th, 1843. The REV. A. H. STEELE. -This promising young Missionary died lately at Montserrat, of fever, after an illness of two days. The REV. SAMUEL SYMONS died at Macarthy's Island, Gambia, January 12th, 1844. Fuller particulars of the death of these lamented Missionaries will be given in a future Number. To the above affecting list of deaths, must be added the names of two excellent wives of Missionaries, recently deceased. Mrs. Cryer, the wife of the Rev. Thomas Cryer, died at Manargoody, in India, December 18th, 1843. Mrs. Badger, the wife of the Rev. Henry Badger, died at Sierra-Leone, January 24th, 1844. LONDON: PRINTED BY JAMES NICHOLS, HOXTON-SQUARE. FOR JUNE, 1844. BIOGRAPHY. MEMOIR OF MR. WILLIAM MEEK, OF NORTH BURTON: BY HIS ELDEST SON. THE following brief memoir of my father is gathered chiefly from his own journal. He was, indeed, a father in Israel; and in him was strikingly exemplified the pure and kindly spirit of primitive Methodism. For nearly fifty years he remained steady in his attachment to that section of Christ's church to which he was united; walking, likewise, "in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless." : My father was born at Kingsfield, near Burlington, in Yorkshire, May 29th, 1774. His parents were farmers; and, till he was about twelve years of age, they attended, exclusively, the services of the established Church; bringing up their children (five in number, of whom he was the eldest) in the fear of God, according to their ability, though not themselves possessed of experimental religion. His mother, whose maiden-name was Alice Jackson, to the time of her marriage, was one of the Society of Friends; but always had a favourable opinion of the Wesleyan Methodists, "because," as she said, "they were a despised people." At length herself and husband agreed to hear them; and they had not done this long, before the word preached was brought home to their hearts with much spiritual power. They now joined the society; and continued walking together, in all the good ways of the Lord, until their days were accomplished, and they departed in peace. My father, at an early period, was often very seriously impressed; and, as he advanced in years, these impressions grew stronger; so that, feeling the burden of his sins to be intolerable, he was constrained to cry to God for mercy, often retiring into secret places, sometimes into the barn, at other times into the fields, that he might pour out his soul in prayer. He did not obtain the blessing of pardon, however, until June 30th, 1793, when he was nineteen years of age. A few years subsequently he thus wrote on the subject:-" I went" (on that day) "with some of my friends to a love-feast. I heard preaching before the love-feast: the text was Isai. xii. 1, 2. I never before VOL. XXIII. Third Series. JUNE, 1844. 2 I heard the nature of faith described in such a plain and simple manner. I had been expecting that the Lord would come as a mighty rushing wind, and that I should receive an ecstasy of love. Like Thomas, I could not believe unless I saw. I received no particular blessing at the love-feast, but was much humbled under a sense of my unworthiness; for while others could speak of the goodness of God to their souls, I was as one dumb, not having a word to say. But on returning home, in company with a friend, (I believe a true servant of Jesus Christ,) she directed me to venture myself on Christ as a Saviour, able and willing to save me; telling me that he was ready to impart the blessing I then needed, if I could but believe, and simply cast my soul upon him. While she was thus encouraging me, through the divine blessing, my doubts and fears fled away: I felt that I could trust in him, and a calm and serene peace flowed into my soul. I had no more doubt of my acceptance, than I had of my existence. My soul was happy in the Lord, and I could say, 'My God is reconciled, His pardoning voice I hear; With confidence I now draw nigh, But although I felt so happy, and was filled with joy unspeakable, yet I was tempted to conceal my feelings, lest I should afterwards fall away; but the Lord was my helper." After a few more observations, he thus concludes :- " I can still claim as my own the promises of the Gospel, which strengthen my confidence in God. Glory be to his holy name! I view with love and wonder the gracious dealings of the Lord with me, the unworthiest of all his creatures. I may indeed exclaim, ''Tis mercy all, immense and free; I see that it is not enough merely to have the good work begun: I must have my nature entirely renewed in holiness, and be established in grace and truth. Lord, stir me up to seek thee by faith and prayer, and in constant obedience!" "July 11th, 1799.- This night the Lord has much blessed my soul, and I am enabled, with Thomas, to say, 'My Lord, and my God!' I can venture my all upon him, and receive him as my Prophet, Priest, and King. Glory be to his holy name, for his boundless mercy to an unworthy worm! O Lord, may I never depart from thy ways, nor live to grieve thee!" "August 8th. I feel that the Lord is still carrying on his work in my soul. O Lord, may I never forget the mercies and favours thou hast bestowed upon me! I feel I have need daily to come to the |